Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Men's Biggest Responsibility

Assalamualaikum wbt.
1. Recently I posted on my Facebook wall about an interview by Canadian media with a Malaysian Muslim student studying there. She was interviewed regarding her niqab (veil on face with eyes still visible).

2. You can watch the video here.

3. But I want to talk about one of the things she mentioned, not specifically about hijab or niqab, but about choosing her husband.

4. She said that of course she has the freedom (in Islam) to choose her own husband, suggesting how important that freedom is, because it could be a difference between Paradise or Hell fire.

5. The BIG point to note is on the last few words above.

6. What a wonderful insight she has there, and in my opinion is definitely true.

7. Woman should be married to a man she is convinced can help her be closer to God and granted Paradise in the Hereafter.

8. I also believe that it works the other way around i.e woman should be a wife who helps her husband to fulfill his responsibility as a leader, a father, a husband and a Muslim who aims for Paradise as well.

9. Here's the biggest implication.

10. Imagine if a woman looks for a guy with wealth alone. There's no guarantee that the wealth that he has will make him loyal to his wife.

11. Theoretically, it could be a source of trials, or fitnah, that he can use the money to 'buy' other women too, if you understand what I mean.

12. Conversely, a man fully aware of his responsibility to lead his wife (and himself, for that matter) for Paradise will observe the teaching of Islam more firmly and strictly- which could mean a better loyalty and hopefully a more sincere love to the spouse, for the sake of Him Almighty.

13. This is mentioned not to deny the importance of material needs like money. But then again, it's about what we put our most reliance upon and what best reason we take in life's decision-making, marriage being one of those ;-)

Wallahuaklam. Wassalamualaikum wbt ;-)
Read more "Men's Biggest Responsibility"

Monday, August 20, 2012

Lebaran 1433H (2012)

Assalamualaikum wbt.

1. Lebaran tahun ni biasa-biasa saja. 

2. Moga Allah SWT terima semua amalan kita semua insya Allah.

3. Ramadhan, kehadirannya dinanti, pemergiannya ditangisi. Namun kita bukan insan Ramadhani, kita insan Rabbani. Sembahlah Allah, bukan Ramadhan. ;-)

Wallahuaklam. Wassalam wbt.

Saranghae! I love you =)
Read more "Lebaran 1433H (2012)"

Friday, August 17, 2012

Do We Need God?

Good question!

Assalamualaikum wbt.

1. My answer to that question would be in a form of pantun (a Malay traditional poem). Err.. I mean, in a form of another question instead i.e:

2. Does God need us?

3. Ok it's done there. That's my answer. I hope it answers your question, thank you.

4. What? 

5. Right, let me share with you this one ayah (verse) in the Quran. Allah SWT says:

"I do not want from them any provision. Nor do I want them to feed me."
Surah Az-Zariyat, ayah number 57.

6. Do you know what is so interesting about this particular verse?

7. The verse before it!

8. Allah SWT says:

"And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me."
Surah Az-Zariyat, ayah number 56.

9. So do we need God?

10. To those who don't believe in the need for God, I hope I have firstly made it clear above, that we the believers of God in Islam believe firmly that God is free of all needs. He doesn't need us AT ALL.

11. Now going back to your question, the straight forward answer is yes we need God.

12. But I begin by including the above verse to explicitly explain the purpose of creation, that implies our need for God, while trying to acknowledge the critical importance of denying a misunderstanding that may arise from it i.e do we need God because God needs us? By now you should know that the answer is BIG NO NO.

13. Think of a relationship between a shop owner and a customer. The shop owner needs the customer's money, and the customer needs the shop owner's goods. They both need each other. However this type of relationship doesn't apply to Creator-creation relationship. No symbiosis. No interdependence. Period.

14. Now, to substantiate my answer, let me divert you to another different way of looking at your question.

15. Instead of asking do we need God, what about asking this: Do we (mankind) have any needs?

16. And going a wee bit further than that, who then provides us these needs?

17. Based on these newly constructed queries, I will elaborate on why eventually no one can deny the need for God.

18. Are you hungry?

19. Then you need food.

20. Assuming that you don't want to cook, or don't know how to cook or don't have time to cook (please choose one LOL) then you have to buy food from outside. Say, a restaurant.

21. Now reflect on this, who provides the food? You have to make a deep reflection here and you'll see how astoundingly a large numbers of people are involved in making the food available for you.

22. I'll break it down for you extensively, but I'll try to make it as short as possible insya Allah (God willing).

23. First, you need money to buy food. Who gives you the money? Your employer. Or if you are a student, then the money is from your parents' employers. Where does he get that money from? Well, possibly from a bank. Then who prints the money? The government maybe.

24. Now do you drive a car to get to the restaurant? Who build the road? The car? And all components of the car? The engine? The steering wheel? The foot pedal?

25. The food itself, who cooks it?

26. What kind of food is it? Say, a pizza. What makes a pizza? A flour maybe? Where do you get the flour? From a plant. Who grows the plant? A farmer.

27. The list goes on and on and by now it is never possible for you to deny the fact that you need the employer, the cook, the road builder, the farmer and not to forget you need the land on which the farmer use to grow the plant you get your flour, hence pizza from.

28. If you don't just stop there, you should be able to ask, what if all the people and things I mention above do not exist? Your needs are not fulfilled and eventually you will die.

29. So the next relevant question to ask here is that, who or what causes all of them to exist?

30. And here is when you will realize the relevance of asking on the existence of God, hence the need for Him.

31. Because without Him, all the people and the things that you need will not be there, and this consequently easily proves that because what you need also have the need to be created by God, then you need God.

32. Or if I were to put this in one simple sentence, say you need a car to go to work, and the car needs a road to travel on, automatically it means that you also need the road, no matter how indirect.

33. But it doesn't work that way with God. Our need for God isn't indirect. Instead, we always believe that our need for God is more direct than any direct need for others, because indeed, He to us is the nearest. The Quran says:

"And when My servants ask you (O Muhammad) concerning Me, indeed I am near..."
Surah Al-Baqarah, ayah number 186

34. Previously you ask this question. Do we need God? Let me now ask you my question instead. 

Do you need a break? LOL. If so, then go take a break, but please do not break anyone's heart, and then come back again here to continue with our discussion.

35. Now, let's continue.

36. In short, what I intend to bring forward here is that if we use our sound and healthy mind, we will realize that denying the need for God is like denying our own needs.

37. Imagine a tree made of LEGO.

38. It doesn't need anything to grow. Well because in fact it doesn't grow.

39. But to make the tree larger, you ought to add more LEGO bricks on it and this means that someone and not the tree itself has to do that for it.

40. However what about the real tree? How does it grow?

41. Who provides all nutrients it needs to grow? Mankind? Have you counted how many trees, and leaves for that matter, that exist in this world? Do you think men can really manage to take care of every single one of them?

42. Also, have you heard of a virgin forest? It is 'virgin' because it not 'touched' by mankind.

43. But undoubtedly, this type of forest is greener and more beautiful in comparison to others. The question is, who designs it, sustains it and causes it to grow?

44. Now how about animals in the wild land? Who feeds them? Or do they go to school to learn some survival skills?

45. Compare this with those captured and kept in zoos. The zoo keepers have to feed them regularly or otherwise the animals will die. 

46. And if you think of this world as a gigantic zoo with no real boundaries, then you will realize that there is a 'hand' involved in making provision to all these animals to live. And I as a Muslim believes as also prescribed in the Quran, that the One who provides these needs to the animals is Him, God Almighty.

"And there is no creature on earth but that upon Allah is its provision, and He knows its place of dwelling and place of storage. All is in a clear register."
Surah Hud, ayah number 6.

47. Actually, a very important question you need to ask before you question the need for God is actually whether God exists in the first place.

48. And then reflect upon your own existence in this world. Think about it. Who created you? Did you self-create?

49. Al-Quran poses the same question, yet in a more eloquent way:

"Were they created by nothing, or were they themselves the creators? Or they create the Heavens and the earth? Nay, but they have no firm belief."
Surah At-Tur, ayah number 35-36

50. Think about that. You are the one with question. And you are the one with uncertainties. We instead, already found the answers of all mysteries surrounding our life, through the teaching of Quran. This is our belief, our way of life, called Islam.

51. Before I wrap up, let me touch on two more things here, very quickly.

52. First, our job as a Muslim is simple that we share Islam with the world, but Islam is not a religion of force.

53. Having said that, we believe that who ever that has come across the message of Islam, has to make a firm decision on whether to accept it. For that, I kindly want to share how the Quran describes those who rejected the message, when they (as we believe) are burnt in Hell fire in the Hereafter.

"Had we but listened or used our intelligence, we would not (now) be amongst the Companions of the Blazing Fire."
Surah Al-Mulk, ayah number 10

54. Plenty other verses (ayah) in the Quran explain exactly about the same subject, on how terrible and enormous is the regret or remorse of the people who (for what ever reasons they have) rejected Islam when they are alive on earth.

55. I shall end by talking about our heart. Yes, it's an organ that pumps blood throughout our body. 

56. And let's ask a simple question here. Our heart, does it exist? And secondly, do we need it?

57. We do not see our heart. I've never heard of anyone who has seen his own heart. I mean seeing it live. I don't know, maybe someone has.

58. But it does exist right?

59. What about its need? Do we need it? 

60. Of course we do right? But do we think of our NEED for it everyday?

61. Take a deep breath and think hard now, do you agree with me that there are many things in life, that they exist and we need them but we seldom acknowledge their existence and their importance? Or maybe most of the times we simply forget that we have them?

62. Until?

63. Until we lose them!

64. How many people wake up in the morning and then he counts how many organs are still intact with his body?

65. What about a person who's got an eye sore?

66. He will be reminded of his eye, for as long as the eye sore is there!

67. It is pain (and in a way could also mean absence) of something that would make we start to appreciate what we have.

68. Likewise, we grossly take things for granted when we forget this earth that we live on today are in full harmony and in perfect order. As if we deny the existence, hence the need for its Designer and Sustainer, without whom life on earth is never possible.

69. And for some people, they keep asking blatantly, "O God, if you really exist, why do we have so many sufferings on earth? What are you actually doing? Sleeping?"

70. Although the real question they should be asking is, "O God, if you really exist, why don't you just vanish me to mere dust, and make me perish when I deny your existence and when I deny my total need for you?"

71. Because if you think you should have asked that second question instead, by right you should now FEEL the huge Mercy of Him, that even at a time when you deny His existence, He is giving you a chance to come back to Him.

72. Now the choice is yours. You have intellect. You have a brain. You have a decision to make.

73. Having said all the above, I am closing this article by throwing back the same question to you.

"What do you think? Do we need God?"

74. Allahuaklam. (Truly Allah knows best). Wassalamualaikum wbt. (And peace be with you)

75. P/S: You may read another article (in Malay language though) about an almost similar subject i.e Does God Exist? or Benarkah Allah Wujud? here. Thanks and take care ;-)
Read more "Do We Need God?"

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Di Sebalik Senyuman Itu =)

Assalamualaikum wbt.

1. Rasulullah SAW bersabda,

"Janganlah kamu meremehkan kebaikan sekecil apa pun, sekalipun itu hanya bermuka manis saat berjumpa saudaramu."
Hadis Riwayat Muslim

2. Sebelum anda terus membaca, silalah senyum. Ia satu sedekah yang mudah. Ia juga menjadikan hidup ini indah!

3. Memetik kata-kata Thich Nhat Hanh, "Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy."

4. Jadi, tak semestinya nak tunggu kita gembira baru kita nak senyum, kerana kadang-kadang disebabkan senyumlah kita boleh jadi gembira!

5. Ahli-ahli bidang psikologi dalam kajian mereka banyak mengulas tentang kaitan antara senyum dengan personaliti seseorang.

6. Orang sentiasa senyum pasti mempunyai personaliti yang baik dan positif. Pun begitu, pada saya sendiri mungkin agak sukar untuk membuat keputusan, adakah personaliti yang baik yang membolehkan seseorang senyum, atau kerana senyumlah seseorang itu berpersonaliti yang baik.

7. Apapun, saya percaya dua-dua boleh jadi betul dan boleh diusahakan.

8. Kalau kita suka senyum, insya Allah personaliti kita baik. Ataupun, kalau kita perbaik personaliti kita, insya Allah kita jugak akan sentiasa senyum =D

9. Menariknya, ada juga kajian yang membuat kesimpulan bahawa orang yang selalu senyum lebih panjang umurnya dan dalam kalangan mereka, bilangan yang bercerai daripada pasangan pun lebih sikit berbanding yang kurang atau tak senyum.

10. Satu lagi kajian yang perlu disebut di sini ialah tentang kajian bowling.

11. Seseorang yang berjaya menjatuhkan semua pin bowling dan gembira memang akan senyum sebagai tanda gembira apabila melihat semua pin itu jatuh.

12. Namun yang bestnya ialah, berdasarkan kajian ini, apabila mereka berpaling ke belakang dan melihat ahli keluarga dan rakan-rakan yang ada ketika bermain bowling, senyuman mereka lebih lebar menandakan kegembiraan yang lebih besar.

13. Disimpulkan bahawa senyum kita lebih efektif jika kita berkongsi kebahagiaan dan kegembiraaan dengan orang sekeliling kita. Mana mungkin kita mampu hidup seorang diri di dunia ini.

14. Ringkasnya, marilah kita mengikut sunnah Nabi SAW yang memang sentiasa senyum. Cukup manis wajah baginda. Malah, indahnya wajah baginda sehingga digambarkan oleh para sahabat ibarat bulan yang mengambang. Berseri-seri dan bersinar-sinar!

15. Oleh itu, marilah sama-sama kita memperbanyakkan senyum dan bersikap positif dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Percayalah, senyum itu berjangkit. Saya sendiri, kalau nampak orang senyum, berasa amat lega dan selalunya akan mudah untuk senyum balik, seolah-olah dilemparkan senyuman itu kepada saya untuk dipakai ;-)

"Kata orang, di sebalik batu ada udang,
tapi jangan lupa, di sebalik senyumMU ada sayang.. 

Wallahuaklam. Wassalamualaikum wbt

Senyumlah.... woi aku nak tido woi haha =p
Read more "Di Sebalik Senyuman Itu =)"

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Dakwah and Me

Assalamualaikum wbt.

An American lady we met at Petaling Street during Street Dakwah Activity recently (August 12, 2012).
She kindly asked about why Muslims pray and why women have to wear hijab.

1. I strongly believe that Islam is the action of  heart.

2. For that, I would argue that the ultimate aim of doing dakwah is not to win argument but to win hearts.

3. That in no way deny the importance of arguments though.

4. The difference is only whether the arguments are used to prove that we are cleverer, or to prove that Islam is better for everyone. I mean, Islam makes us cleverer than the other of course, but it is certainly not about us, it's about Islam instead.

5. We don't preach others into Islam because we were born as Muslims and believe that truth depends on what we believe is truth.

6. Rather, truth, which in this case I would argue is Islam, is something that is exclusively independent of anything or anyone to qualify as truth.

7. The most astounding ayah (or verse) in the Quran that I would relate to this matter is about the confidence planted in the hearts of the believers that Islam requires no FORCE to be accepted by others.

8. In Surah Al-Baqarah, ayah number 256, Allah SWT mentions:

"Let there be no compulsion in religion..."

9. To illustrate this point, let me create an analogy for you.

10. Imagine that you are driving a car down a steep hill on a nice sunny day.

11. The fact of the matter is, the car will still move, even with its engine removed!

12. Yes, it is an act of gravitational force.

13. My point is, there is no need to create a force when there's already a force.

14. Please don't forget your car brake though. =)

15. Likewise, Islam, if understood and properly studied, is itself already a force.

16. Hence there is no need to force people into Islam, and those who reject Islam, they are actually the ones who are forcing themselves from something their heart and intellect would always want to have.

17. Another instance would be like eating when we are hungry. Of course, when we are hungry, we will eat food almost effortlessly, but abstaining ourselves from food is on the other hand, the real kind of force or torture that we exert to our body.

18. This is the way I see it when it comes to the relationship between Islam and the hearts of us the human being.

19. Put it in a different way, Islam is a way of life that is designed by our Creator to suit our innate nature, which we call fitrah. So again, we are created to be already NATURALLY inclined to it, so it requires no force, but to reject it is indeed the real sort of compulsion against the will of oneself.

20. Having said that, it is now important to see the parallel between this fact with what is expected from us as a da'ie (one who preaches or invites people into Islam).

The t-shirt design for our Street Dakwah Activity.
Credits to Bro Zulhafifi and Bro Rahmat.

"The messenger is not responsible except for THE DELIVERY (OF MESSAGE)..."
(Surah Al-Maidah, ayah number 99)

21. Isn't that impressive?

22. The responsibility of a da'ie like us, is to share and spread the message, not to GUARANTEE one's submission to Islam.

23. Whether one wants to accept the message, that will be between him/her and God Almighty.

24. Interestingly enough, the ayah number 99 above is followed by a sound reminder by Allah SWT that He knows what we reveal and what we conceal!

25. It gives us an assurance, that it's ok if someone rejects what we share, because they may conceal (from us) what they feel deep inside their hearts about the truth of Islam (provided that we have eloquently explained what is necessary), but Allah knows, Allah surely knows.

26. They may either decide to contemplate about it at home and sincerely accept Islam afterwards (even if not through us), or they will have to face the consequence of booking a ticket into the blazing Fire in the Hereafter.

27. Here comes the biggest point to grasp.

28. The hidayah or huda (guidance) from Allah SWT belongs to Him alone. We have no rights, ownership or whatsoever over it and let me explain at least 3 important implications that we can derive from understanding this fact.

29. The first and the second are somewhat related.

30. When we invite people into Islam, there are generally 2 possibilities. They either accept Islam, or they reject it outright, if not with hesitation.

31. By understanding that guidance only comes from Allah SWT, insya Allah we can avoid feeling too proud of ourselves when someone embraces Islam after talking to us. It is the essence of takabbur, a negative characteristic we should absolutely get rid of.

32. That is the first. The second is when the opposite happens instead. Acknowledging that guidance belongs to Allah, won't stop us or let us down from doing dakwah, even if nobody accepts Islam from our sharing of Islam!

33. Thirdly and I personally would take this as the most significant point for myself, is that we must all admit the fact that even the guidance that we claim to have now as a Muslim, is not ours and is not guaranteed by our own hands.

34. It is for this reason that we make supplication to Allah SWT at least 17 times a day during our prayers, to keep giving us the guidance and show us the right path. It is in Surah Al-Fatihah, ayah number 6.

35. Within my short participation in activism like sharing Islam, it led me to one point in life when I started to think that the further away I try to reach out, the greater is the calling to look at myself and make more self-reflection and self-correction.

36. Hence, I make a simple conclusion that in life, we always have to begin things from inside, before the changes in us drive more positive impacts and changes in the environment that are outside of us. This is the way I understand the words of Mahatma Ghandi who said that WE ARE THE CHANGE WE WANT TO SEE IN THIS WORLD.

37. Let me ask you this. Take a few moments to think of our ability to see.

38. Do you think that we can see because our eyes produce light?

39. No! It's exactly the opposite! The retina (an internal part of our eyes) is receiving light from outside and transfer it to our brain to be interpreted as an image.

30. What that implies is that, it's not our eyes that construct the image outside, because if it is a tree, then it is a tree that we see.

31. However, if we are blind, then we can't see the tree, although the tree will definitely still be there.

32. One quick lesson. It is easy to see trouble externally (in this case the absence of tree) though in reality, maybe the defect is on our part (being blind).

33. It doesn't really mean forgetting others, but it's about being someone who is good as 'the other' for people around us. Because to people around us, they will see us as 'the other'.

34. From inside us, then we slowly and gradually spread our wings of love to people closest to us, who are by right our own family members, and then relatives and then friends and the list goes on.

35. The Quran already gives a beautiful advice to keep our family members safe from the Hellfire.

36. Please check in Surah At-Tahrim ayah number 6.

37. The need to start from inside has everything to do with our hearts, the core theme of this article.

38. One huge difference between doing good to our own family members and random people in the public, is that the latter usually gains more attention and gives more 'popularity rating'. So please never ever let that be a reason for prioritizing the public over our own family members.

39. But then again, do not get me wrong here. It's not about avoiding others now, it's about who's first to be first.

40. Just imagine this one more thing. It may be theoritical, but it should be effective to picture what I am talking about.

41. Say you are a counselor in a school and you are trying hard to teach your students to become good to their parents. Because that's your job after all.

42. At the same time, one of your sons is on the other side of the state studying in a boarding school and have to frequently meet his discipline teacher for some problems he had caused to some teachers in the school.

43. The discipline teacher though, has a daughter who is currently not mixing really well with her friends at other school and has frequently consulted one of her favorite ustazahs there to try to solve the matter.

44. That may be a normal occurence nowadays of course. But then still, I am trying to illustrate on how roles are shifting in a way that a doctor is now repairing a car and a mechanic is now dispensing medicines in pharmacies.

45. There are roles out there that need to be played by the best people with the best of resources and skills, but it turns out that the roles are not very much well played because of this shifting in taking over of the roles.

46. In a more technical way, life offers two types of circles to us. They are the circle of concern and the other is the circle of influence.

47. The one we can influence the most is ourselves and people closest to us, but it is never wrong to have some concerns with some other people or matters, so long as it does not affect the amount of efforts and energy we spend within our circle of influence.

48. Alamak, I think it's time to wrap up now. I'm always struggling to discipline myself to write shorter for my blog because I think, many times less means more.

49. Just a few additional points here. When we are talking about dakwah and touching hearts, the best example is always the greatest man of all, Prophet Muhammad SAW.

50. During his time alone, there were many people who eventually embraced Islam through Muhammad's highly lovable character and the beautiful akhlak that he has. He has so much mercy and love and he also says that he is the best to his family.

51. Which brings us to the last point, that in dakwah, apart from points and arguments, our manners and akhlak are of supreme importance.

52. And when it comes to manners and akhlak it is definitely something that represent the true state of our hearts as a da'ie. If our heart is sound and healthy then our akhlak should be sound too. It is with this best state of heart that we can touch the hearts of others.

53. My dear friend, please ponder on this last fact.

54. As a Muslim, we all make prostration (sujud) when we pray.

55. In this position, out heart is located above our brain and symbolically, it represents something really beautiful; that in front of Allah, we surrender our intellect to the love and faith that we have for Him, thus putting the head on the ground but the heart at a higher position instead.

56. We put away the ego, and allow it to be at its lowest position as a sign that we submit to Him the Almighty.

57. Let's always cleanse our heart by remembering Allah SWT and do more zhikr insya Allah especially as Ramadhan is almost leaving us now. Like Sheikh Hamza nicely puts it, in time of trouble, they drink liquor to forget, but we do zhikr to remember ;-)

58. Please kindly read an article by a friend of mine Hisham on his blog about our Street Dakwah Activity a few days ago. He was with me in the same team when we were sharing Islam at Petaling Street. Here's the link.

59. You can find some of photos taken during the day of the program below (Credit to beloved friends who uploaded them on Facebook). To end, let me just say this; that in doing dakwah, we either win hearts, or we'll win hard ;-)

Thanks for reading and take care. Wallahuaklam, wassalamualaikum wbt.

Bro Mas Yury: A man with huge commitment and love for dakwah
Bro Saed: Born in Mecca, staying in Malaysia to do his noble part for Islam
Before leaving to several ' hot spots' to share Islam
We occupied Dataran! he3 =)

Read more "Dakwah and Me"

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Jaminan Syurga

Assalamualaikum wbt.

1. Bimbang juga saya melihat perkembangan politik tanah air apabila melibatkan isu agama.

2. Isu yang terbesar dan hangat (pada hemah saya) pastilah tentang status Parti DAP sebagai kafir harbi.

3. Semua ini adalah gara-gara Karpal Singh yang mencabar langkah mayatnya dulu kalau mahu hudud dilaksanakan Malaysia.

4. Bertambah buruk pula apabila Karpal mengaku bahawa kenyataan dan pendiriannya mewakili Parti DAP yang dikepalainya itu.

5. Justeru DAP ialah kafir harbi dan wajib diperangi?

6. Saya menulis untuk menyentuh tentang beberapa perkara di sini.

7. Pertama, kita perlu faham bahawa bukan pukul orang sahaja salah, pukul rata pun ada yang tak kenanya. Pukul rata = generalize

8. Sudah lebih setengah abad kita merdeka. Jumlah orang bukan Melayu yang masuk Islam terlalu sedikit.

9. Yang peliknya, bangsa seperti Cina bukan berpegang kepada satu agama sahaja, malah banyak sangat. Sebahagiannya adalah dalam bentuk falsafah dan kepercayaan moral, tapi yang pasti banyak pula yang bercampur-campur pegangan dalam satu-satu masa.

10. Kenapa pulak dalam banyak-banyak, tak pernah terlintas di hati mereka untuk try agama Islam?

11. Pernah tak kita fikirkan?

12. Ia bukan persoalan prioriti di sini. Saya tak menyangkal bahawa orang Melayu majoritinya (BUKAN SEMUA YA) adalah Islam dan memerlukan perhatian yang lebih, namun persoalan yang besar di sini ialah, jika selama ini kita tumpukan ke arah pembangunan orang Melayu sebagai umat Islam yang hebat, kenapa orang bukan Islam seolah-olah tak berminat dengan Islam? 

13. Pasti ada sesuatu yang tak kena dengan umat Islam Melayu ini.

14. Adalah malang sekali jika terdapat kecenderungan yang besar malah dalam masyarakat Melayu sendiri yang melihat bahawa Islam itu Melayu dan Melayu itu Islam.

15. Menentang Melayu itu seperti menentang Islam. Maka apabila ada orang Melayu yang menipu dan makan suap, dia TAK BOLEH ditentang walaupun dia melakukan sesuatu yang tak Islamik, kerana menentangnya seolah-olah menentang Islam.

16. Seolah-olah siapa yang Melayu, TERJAMIN syurga baginya.

17. Hujah saya mudah.

18. Kita perlu selamatkan diri kita. Kemudian ahli keluarga kita. Kemudian bangsa kita dan masyarakat kita- itu semua betul sama sekali, jika kita ingin berbincang soal first thing first.

19. Namun saya melihat kerangka pemikiran orang Melayu secara amnya masih tidak membesar, walaupun kerangka pemikiran seorang Muslim seperti yang dianjurkan oleh Islam teramat luas.

20. Inilah salah satu sebab saya melihat bahawa memperjuangkan Islam atas nama Melayu adalah satu perkara yang problematik.

21. Kerana suasana kita sekarang memerlukan kita menyelamatkan orang Melayu dengan cara yang lebih bijaksana, yakni seperti yang dianjurkan oleh Islam itu sendiri.

22. Saya berpendapat bahawa caranya adalah dengan mentarbiyah umat Melayu Islam agar lebih bersedia untuk hidup dalam masyarakat majmuk dengan harmoni, tanpa berkompromi dalam hal-hal berkaitan agama.

23. Berbalik kepada hal DAP tadi, jangan kerana kebencian kita padanya menyebabkan kita menolak dan membenci semua orang Cina dan India. Serta orang-orang bukan Melayu yang lain.

24. Jika ada orang bukan Melayu yang menganut agama Islam, mereka digalakkan mengikut orang Melayu pula, sama ada memakai kain pelekat atau baju kurung, terutamanya pada hari Raya.

Gambar hiasan. Kalau nak, beli sendiri =p
25. Saya hairan, adakah yang memakai baju Melayu dan baju kurung itulah yang nampak 'Islam' walaupun mungkin dia seksi dan mengasyikkan, mengalahkan model Hollywood yang kadang-kadang mempunyai fesyen pakaian membalut badan seperti mumia?

26. Kekuatan orang Melayu sebagai umat Islam adalah dengan membezakan apa yang Melayu dan apa yang Islam. Antara apa yang cultural dan apa yang religious.

27. Besar harapan saya agar kita mengikhlaskan diri dalam memperjuangkan Islam yang sebenar.

28. Saya berpendirian, bahawa kelebihan utama Islam adalah pada penerimaannya terhadap masyarakat majmuk pelbagai bangsa dan agama, dan pada prinsipnya yang tak memaksa orang lain menerima Islam sama ada melalui paksaan politik mahupun bentuk paksaan yang lain.

29. Saya khuatir, adakah apabila kita memperjuangkan sebuah negara Islam, kita sebenarnya maksudkan atau impikan satu wilayah yang hanya terdiri daripada orang Melayu sahaja?

30. Jika inilah matlamatnya, saya pun tak setuju dengan negara Islam berkonsepkan sedemikian.

31. Kerana sekali lagi, menjadi Melayu bukan asbab masuk syurga. Menjadi Melayu bukan asbab menjadi Islamik.

32. Hakikat sebenar yang harus diterima ialah, hidayah itu tak akan mengenal bangsa dan warna kulit, dan selagi mana kita memperjuangkan agama atas dasar bangsa, dengan alasan apapun, ia adalah satu kaedah yang sempit lagi menyempitkan.

33. Selagi mana kita tak mahu menghayati kemampuan Islam dalam membentuk masyarakat majmuk yang menghormati manusia daripada bangsa dan agama yang lain, selagi itu Islam akan dilihat sebagai musuh oleh orang bukan Islam.

34. Selagi itu jugalah kita akan terus bergantung pada kemelayuan Islam di Malaysia, yang sudah mula luntur dan goyah, dan kemuncaknya nanti, Islam dijauhi dan dibenci hanya kerana Islam itu tak lain hanyalah satu peninggalan atau sifat orang Melayu.

35. Dalam masa yang sama, orang Melayu akan terus mundur, kerana hanya mampu menjadi jaguh kampung yang hebat hanya sesama orang Melayu, tetapi bila bersaing dengan bangsa lain, kita tewas dan tumpas, lembik seperti kena lenyek.

36. Jika ada yang melihat keagungan Melayu sebagai umat Islam kerana keislaman nenek moyang kita, maka mereka telah ingkar pada sejarah, kerana orang Melayu terlebih dahulu menganut agama Buddha dan Hindu, di samping animisme.

37. Hentikanlah hujah sedemikian. Bahkan Islam jelas melarangnya. Bahkan Al-Quran jelas menceritakan. Tentang orang-orang kafir yang tak menerima Islam hanya kerana mahu mengikut nenek moyang yang menyembah berhala.

38. Katakan wahai sahabatku semuslim semelayu, kita bukan Muslim kerana ibu atau bapa kita, bukan juga kerana kita Melayu. Soal siapa ibu bapa kita atau apa bangsa kita tak boleh lagi diubah.

39. Yang boleh berubah ialah keislaman kita, tapi kita tetap memilih untuk kekal sebagai Muslim, kerana kita yakini ia agama yang benar, dan kerana itu juga kita mahukan orang lain walaupun daripada bangsa yang berbeza untuk juga mendapat manfaat daripada Islam.

40. Orang Melayu sukar berubah. Namun kerana kecantikan Islam, budaya animisme, Buddhisme dan Hinduisme ditinggalkan (walaupun tak semuanya- seperti sesetengah budaya dan upacara).

41. Persoalannya, mengapa orang Cina yang boleh berubah-ubah agama, malah banyak yang berpindah kepada Kristian walaupun dulunya pernah menjadi penganut Hindu atau Buddha, tak nampak kecantikan Islam?

42. Sekali lagi soalan saya, mungkinkah kerana orang Melayu terlalu memelayukan Islam sehingga hilang kecantikannya sebagai agama yang universal dan paling hebat?

43. Saya tinggalkan persoalan sebegitu untuk kita fikirkan sejenak. Saya tak mengajak kita membenci, tapi beringat dan berfikir, untuk menyayangi dan mencintai melangkau batasan ke'bangsa'an.

Wallahuaklam. Assalamualaikum wbt.

P/S: Satu lagi artikel berkaitan tapi dalam Bahasa Inggeris: Between The Malayized Muslim and The Islamized Malay
Read more "Jaminan Syurga"

Friday, August 10, 2012

Between The Malayized Muslim and The Islamized Malay

Assalamualaikum wbt.

1. If today a rich man organizes a dinner, inviting everyone with a condition that they pay a high amount of money each, then he needs to redefine the word 'everyone'. Maybe it's more apt to put there 'eveRICHone'.

2. The same way, we can always say that we invite everyone to Islam, but that doesn't really work if we put a condition there i.e 1) Be a Malay first. Or rather, 2) be LIKE a Malay. Or maybe, 3) follow only the Malay's decision.

I aspire to spread love, NOT hatred ;-)
3. I am one of many Malay Muslims out there who are very critical with the idea of putting race as an agenda for the good of Islam in Malaysia just because the Malays make up the largest number in population, and just because our national Constitution defines a Malay as a Muslim.

4. That's to me, not an agenda, but a propaganda.

5. Not only do I find such a thinking or methodology (if you so will) very problematic, it is very selfish and unislamic too, from my point of view- which I will explain why below insya Allah.

6. Before I continue though, let me make it clear here that everyone who reads this must be fair and true to yourself, tuning the intention of heart and mind, that all we look for is pure sincerity and common grounds to agree with.

7. One point very crucial not to skip, that I am focusing on a particular idea which I am against. If anyone or any organisation in this world are in favor of the agenda I am talking about, you have my words here that when I specifically refer to this area of discussion, it never means that I reject everything that a person or an organisation is 'preaching'.

8. This is the adaab and the akhlak of a true Muslim. To have respect for one another and agree to disagree in a particular area, while unite in peace in other areas where we share the same belief and conviction.

9. This is even the akhlak of the scholars (ulama'). Also the akhlak of the four famous mazhab (schools of thought) in Islam. That they don't call other scholars a kaafir, or even accusing others as being outside of Islam.

10. Now, let me jump straight to the point.

11. And let me put it this way.

12. First off, I think that we are very busy trying to present Islam as truth, until we forget to find the TRUE Islam.

13. What that means is that, so weak we humans are, we tend to see what we already have or believe is the only truth and very often impose on others so that they too must believe in that sole truth (according to our belief). But we forget, the real truth is within the Quran and Sunnah, not our whims.

14. This is not only between Muslims and non-Muslims, but more importantly also within our own Muslim community.

15. Because of that, we forget something very important in Islam, that life is about LEARNING.

16. And do you notice a word inside the word LEARNING?

17. There is EAR in LEARNING.

18. And an ear is used to listen. Question is, do we listen when we learn?

19. Do we communicate with others? Are we willing enough to admit that at times, we are on the wrong side and need correction?

20. What's with the ego?

21. Right. Do not want to dwell on that. But let me pose to you here another important question.

22. In a multi-religious and multiracial country like Malaysia, where most of us claim to be Muslims, I think we are falling short in another important area.

23. That we are so busy fighting for the RIGHTS of Muslims, until we forget the DUTIES of Muslims.

24. I never thought that the main purpose to live as a Muslim, is to establish an Islamic country where the Muslims are so powerful, that all non-Muslims must abide by any rules and regulations made, or face a consequence of being expelled from the country.

25. Wait a minute. I am not even talking about the rules and regulations of Allah.

26. I am talking about rules and regulations of Muslims.

27. I am talking about the difference between Muslims and the Muslims' God.

28. You get what I mean?

29. The ultimate success of Islam, is not to put people who are not Muslims under fear and pressure, and then forced to leave an Islamic country. That is no difference with what those people in Myanmar are doing towards the Muslim people of Rohingya. No difference at all!

30. However, the real victory of Islam is, when we can live in peace (one of linguistic translations of Islam) under one roof, which is made up of both Muslims and non-Muslims. Diversity is inseparable from our world nowadays. Let us enjoy the real unity in diversity that Islam approves of, as mentioned in the Quran.

"O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another..."
(Surah Al-Hujurat, ayah number 13)

31. Having said that, let me point out this one very crucial point. When we claim to fight in the name of Islam, do we want others to love and adore Islam or hate and abhor Islam?

32. This question is only understood if we know the difference between rights and duties.

33. From my observation, certain factions of Muslims in Malaysia are very problematic in their mindset, because all they do as a Muslim is to fight for Islam to an extent that whoever are against them (not even against 'true' Islam, but only 'his version' of Islam) will be considered as the enemies of Islam.

34. Therefore, we (according to these factions) have to struggle for a power, especially political power, so that these so-called 'the enemies of Islam' will be silenced for whatever beliefs that they have or want to live with. They must be stopped! Therefore Muslims (especially the Malays) must unite to stop them all!

35. This is a wonderful recipe to win power, and at the same time a total failure to win hearts.

36. A wonderful recipe that 'burns to death' the beauty of Islam. Have you forgotten that Islam is really about the action of the heart?

"Let there be no compulsion in Islam..."
(Surah Al-Baqarah, ayah number 256)

37. So what exactly am I proposing?

38. My dear, the focus is not only on rights, but on our duties.

39. Talking about rights, our duties as a Muslim have rights on us too! And we have to therefore play such duties!

40. Firstly, is to make a deep reflection and think, what have we done, to explain Islam to both Muslims and non-Muslims? Have we done enough?

41. How many non-Muslims out there are against hudud (one of Islamic legal punishments) out of ignorance?

42. How many are against it solely due to their hatred towards the Malays?

43. And the fact that they think hudud will only benefit the Malays (in a way that Malays have the right to exercise hudud because the Malays 'own' Islam)?

44. Think about that. Do you think that people really hate Islam, or is it because they see Islam as a tool to protect the Malays and degrade the others?

45. Do you know that even some MALAY MUSLIMS are against hudud. Does that not trigger something in your mind?

46. That the real problem is not the opposition towards the idea of hudud? Don't you think the real problem is that we rarely make efforts to really explain what Islam is all about? Because we are ALREADY Muslims and we only tend to question others, without any efforts to question ourselves?

47. And be more alert on what I said. I do not even say explaining hudud!

48. I am talking about explaining Islam instead! Truly, hudud is not the number one thing, nor is it the only one thing in Islam! Open your mind!

49. Again this is what I am talking about. We fight for the right of Islam to force people, Muslims and non-Muslims alike to accept hudud, but we forget their rights to know that Islam is a simple religion that comes with 'There is no God but God (Allah SWT)'!

50. This wonderful phrase, this is their right (to know and understand). And this is OUR DUTY! Have we not reflected?

51. Why is it that there are so many 'fancy' name-calling like kafir laknatullah (woe of Allah be unto the rejectors) towards this non-Muslims?

52. Do you forget the akhlak of Rasulullah SAW? When he bled that he was thrown with stones by the people of Taif, he asked Allah SWT to forgive them because they (people of Taif) did not know?

53. And he SAW asked from Allah SWT that the progeny of this people will finally find the truth of Islam?

54. Where is your passion towards the sunnah of Rasulullah SAW my friends?

55. The irony is obvious. We utter every single 'Islamic' curse towards the non-Muslims, and then when these unfortunate cursed group of people commit injustice on our land, we complain and we explode? But I thought just know we are the ones who pray for their wickedness?

56. Where is the mercy? Where is the love? And where is the rationale behind all our actions?

57. To cut this short, I have one simple message to make here.

58. Muslims especially in Malaysia have to start considering the huge need to integrate and co-exist with people of different backgrounds and religions IN REAL PEACE AND HARMONY.

59. Around the world now, this is what the good Muslims are doing.

60. They are spreading the true message of Islam, that we condemn hatred, we condemn indiscriminate killing, we condemn war, we condemn murder and we condemn what ever that is bad towards mankind and humanity and whatever that is bad to the environment and the universe.

61. Muslims and Islam have important roles to play and major contributions to make to NOT ONLY THE MUSLIMS, but to the whole world and universe.

"That We do no send you (Muhammad SAW) except as a blessing to the WHOLE UNIVERSE."
(Surah Al-Anbiya', ayah number 107)

62. Our job and duty is therefore not to join the real enemies of the world who race to conquer and dominate us all, but our real task is to let people know that we Muslims can lead the way towards peace and the spirit of togetherness, without compromising Islam itself as our way of life, because even to hate the non-Muslims itself is unislamic.

63. Our real job is to bring back the respect and confidence amongst non-Muslims towards Islam and the Muslims.

64. And only by then, we will also successfully restore the confidence in the Muslim ummah.

65. The underlying principle is simple. As Mahatma Ghandi said, we are the change we want to see in this world.

66. We the Muslims here in Malaysia can no longer remain with the attitude of pointing fingers towards others.

67. The fact (some of us claim) that we can not practice freely as a Muslim in Malaysia just because there are non-Muslims living with us in the country is the greatest hoax of all time. It's a myth that kills. A tale that slaughters our mind.

68. So now, are you ready for this call? To do dakwah and be more positive and be more open and have hikmah (wisdom) towards others? I have done part of my job (writing this article). And I will accept your rejection towards the above proposal I've made, if you want to.

69. And I leave it to Allah SWT for He is the best in His judgement.

70. All I want is the good for not only Islam and the Muslims, but the whole humanity. And not only humanity to be exact, but the whole universe, that's what Islam is for, and also what Al-Quran is revealed for.

71. To end, I have one last remark to make to all of you the Malay Muslims out there.

72. If we continue to see all people who are not born Malays as non-Malays (hence non-Muslims), and we continue to live and mingle only with the Malays, and we insist to only see things from the 'Malayish' point of view, then trust me, because of you, the Malays will perish.

73. Because of you, Takkan Melayu Hilang di Dunia will become a thing of the past. And a laughable matter in perhaps only few generations ahead.

74. And because of you, Malays will never make good Muslims- a perfect recipe towards the disappearance of Islam in Tanah Melayu.

75. Allahuaklam. Wassalam wbt.
Read more "Between The Malayized Muslim and The Islamized Malay"

Monday, August 6, 2012

Solat Sunat Istikharah

Assalamualaikum wbt

Sheikh Nasir Jangda. Siapa kenal Ustaz Nouman Ali Khan, Sheikh ni antara 'geng' dia la ni =)
1. Tulisan ini adalah berdasarkan ceramah yang disampaikan Sheikh Nasir Jangda bertajuk 'Istikharah: Tujuan dan Cara Pelaksanaannya.'

2. Ada dalam kalangan masyarakat kita melihat istikharah sebagai satu alat AJAIB untuk mencapai sesuatu yang dicita dalam kehidupan.

3. Seperti Jin Aladdin yang terus menyempurnakan permintaan tuannya dalam sekelip mata, begitulah kadang-kadang kita mengharapkan Allah SWT kabulkan doa kita.

4. Hakikatnya, anggapan begini TIDAK TEPAT sama sekali. Itu BUKAN fungsi istikharah.

5. Sebelum saya ceritakan konsep sebenar solat sunat istikharah, insya Allah, kita telusuri dulu apa sebenarnya yang dimaksudkan dengan perkataan 'istikharah.'

6. ISTIKHARAH dikembangkan daripada kata akar 'khair', yang bermaksud 'baik' atau 'kebaikan'. Segala perkara yang baik, maka itulah 'khair'.

7. Istikharah pula, merujuk kepada perbuatan mencari atau mengusahakan 'khair' tadi- yakni sesuatu yang baik, malah terbaik dalam kehidupan.

8. Menariknya, perkataan lain seperti ikhtiar contohnya juga berasal daripada kata akar yang sama.

9. Implikasinya ialah, seorang yang berUSAHA untuk melakukan kejahatan, maka usahanya itu tak layak dipanggil ikhtiar, kerana ikhtiar bukan sekadar merujuk kepada satu bentuk usaha atau inisiatif, tetapi ia HANYA spesifik merujuk kepada usaha dan inisiatif yang baik-baik sahaja.

10. Ringkasnya, inilah yang selalu disebut sebagai 'The end doesn't justify the means' atau matlamat tak menghalalkan cara dalam Islam.

11. Yakni- sesuatu yang jahat pada sifat asalnya, akan tetap jahat sifatnya walaupun ia digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan yang baik. Maka tak layak ia dipanggil 'ikhtiar'.

12. Supaya mendapat gambaran lebih jelas, saya ambil satu contoh.

13. Menggunakan khidmat bomoh dalam rawatan misalnya, tak layak dikira sebagai satu ikhtiar dalam Islam, kerana bomoh yang dengan terang-terang menggunakan khidmat jin telah syirik kepada Allah SWT, demikian juga yang bersubahat me'laris'kan perniagaan bomoh itu.

14. Baik, sekarang mari kita lihat konteks sebenar penggunaan solat sunat istikharah sebagai satu bentuk 'senjata' umat Islam.

15. Sebagai manusia biasa, kita tak lari daripada keperluan untuk membuat keputusan dan pilihan (decision-making) dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari.

16. Sheikh dalam ceramahnya meletakkan garis panduan berikut yang boleh diamalkan oleh kita umat Islam dalam membuat pilihan atau keputusan terhadap sesuatu perkara.

17. Pertama, adalah dengan menggunakan aqal kita sendiri- yakni menggunakan intelek, rasional dan segala ilmu yang ada pada diri kita. Ini termasuk pemikiran kritis (critical thinking)

18. Langkah kedua, yang datang selepasnya, adalah dengan mendapatkan pendapat, pandangan dan idea daripada orang lain terutamanya yang memang pakar atau relevan dalam isu yang kita sedang fikirkan.

19. Langkah ini lazimnya dipanggil musyawarah, yakni berbincang (consultation). Contoh yang paling mudah ialah misalnya jika hendak membeli kereta, boleh tanya pakar dalam bidang automotif, dan juga mungkin golongan mekanik.

20. Akhir sekali, barulah kita berbicara tentang istikharah, sebagai langkah yang berikutnya.

21. Bukanlah ini bermakna kita letakkan Allah sebagai rujukan terakhir, namun ia bermaksud kita hadirkan usaha di pihak kita, kemudian mohon Allah memberikan petunjuk kepada kita tentang pilihan kita.

22. Tujuan diletakkan juga istikharah ini sebagai langkah yang terakhir adalah sebagai alat pemutus yang terakhir, maka keputusan yang dibuat adalah yang muktamad insya Allah.

23. Maksudnya ialah, katakan kita ada 7 pilihan. Kemudian menggunakan intelek kita, kita kurangkan pilihan itu kepada 5 misalnya, kemudian dengan berbincang, kita kurangkan lagi pilihan yang ada kepada 3, dan akhir sekali, barulah daripada 3 ini, kita pilih satu yang terbaik sebagai pilihan.

24. Ertinya, istikharah bukan diabaikan, sebaliknya dijadikan penentu terakhir yang memuktamadkan keputusan yang kita lakukan. 

25. Baik, seterusnya, solat sunat istikharah dilakukan tanpa ada sebarang keperluan atau syarat yang khas, sebaliknya boleh dilakukan pada bila-bila masa pun seperti mana jugak solat-solat sunat yang lain (kecuali pada waktu haram solat, contohnya ketika matahari terbit).

26. Demikian juga dari segi surah apa yang ingin dibaca, semuanya terpulang kepada kita. Rakaatnya dua, tetapi tak salah untuk mengulang-ulang istikharah untuk lebih yakin dengan pilihan yang dibuat.

27. Penting: Satu lagi anggapan yang tak betul adalah bahawa kita akan bermimpi mendapat jawapan tentang persoalan kita.

28. Itu juga BUKAN apa tujuan kita buat solat istikharah!

29. Dalam Islam, mimpi boleh dijadikan sebagai satu motivasi jika ia baik atau memberi klu, namun tak dianjurkan dalam Islam untuk menjadikannya RUJUKAN MUTLAK dalam membuat keputusan, apatah lagi dalam meletakkan sesuatu hukum (dalam Islam).

30. Sebaliknya, istikharah bertujuan memberi keyakinan kepada kita atas keputusan yang kita buat.

31. Untuk fahami lebih lanjut, saya rasa cara yang paling baik adalah dengan menghayati doa khas istikharah yang sangat-sangat digalakkan untuk dihafal dalam Bahasa Arab, kerana ia dituntut oleh Nabi SAW dalam hadis baginda.

32. Doa itu seperti berikut:

33. Maksud doa panjang ini ialah:

"Ya Allah, aku memohon petunjuk daripada-Mu dengan ilmu-Mu dan aku memohon ketentuan daripada-Mu dengan kekuasaan-Mu dan aku memohon daripada-Mu akan limpah kurniaan-Mu yang besar. Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Berkuasa sedangkan aku tidak berkuasa dan Engkau Maha Mengetahui sedangkan aku tidak mengetahui dan Engkaulah Yang Maha Mengetahui segala perkara yang ghaib. Ya Allah, seandainya Engkau mengetahui bahawasanya urusan ini (........) adalah baik bagiku pada agamaku, kehidupanku dan kesudahan urusanku sama ada cepat atau lambat, takdirkanlah ia bagiku dan permudahkanlah serta berkatlah bagiku padanya da seandainya Engkau mengetahui bahawa urusan ini (........) mendatangkan keburukan bagiku pada agamaku, kehidupanku dan kesudahan urusanku sama ada cepat atau lambat, maka jauhkanlah aku daripadanya dan takdirkanlah kebaikan untukku dalam sebarang keadaan sekalipun kemudian redhailah aku dengannya."

34. Pilihan atau perkara yang kita ingin putuskan itu bolehlah dibaca sama ada dalam hati atau dibaca dengan kuat (yakni dengan mengeluarkan suara) di bahagian tengah-tengah doa di atas yang ada garis putus-putus seperti ini: ........

35. Berdasarkan doa ini, petunjuk Allah SWT itu akan datang dalam pelbagai bentuk. Antaranya adalah dipermudahkan kita dengan pilihan yang kita buat tu. Kalau sesuatu tu macam banyak saja dugaan dan rintangan nak buat, mungkin itu petanda bahawa bukan itu yang patut kita pilih.

36. Namun petunjuk terbesar adalah letaknya pada hati. Sebab itu keyakinan dan kebergantungan kepada Allah SWT perlu kuat.

37. Ertinya, sesuatu yang jika kita pilih atau buat, didatangkan Allah rasa tenang dan selesa serta yakin melakukannya, maka insya Allah itulah pilihan yang tepat.

38. Sebagai penutup ingin saya nyatakan perkara terakhir di sini bahawa solat sunat istikharah boleh dibuat pada bila-bila masa pun tanpa perlu menunggu keperluan yang khas.

39. Lagipun, bukankah kita memang sentiasa perlukan Allah SWT dalam apa jua perkara pun? Dan setiap masa, setiap ketika?

40. Bahkan hal sekecil manapun, boleh disandarkan keputusan kita pada istikharah supaya kita sentiasa mendapat rahmat dan bimbingan Allah SWT.

41. Seperkara lagi ialah, istikharah bukan hanya dibuat SEBELUM membuat sesuatu keputusan. Bahkan SELEPAS keputusan dibuat pun, istikharah boleh diulang-ulang, supaya hati sentiasa tenang dan mengingati Allah SWT insya Allah.

42. Saya muatkan sekali di sini print screen images yang saya usahakan daripada video ceramah Sheikh Nasir.

43. Saya harap tulisan ini bermanfaat. Moga kita sentiasa meletakkan Allah SWT sebagai rujukan paling utama dan sentiasa menghayati kebergantungan yang hakiki pada-Nya yang memiliki segala-galanya ameen!

Wallahuaklam. Wassalamualaikum wbt..

"Milik Allahlah segala yang di langit dan di bumi..."
(Surah Al-Baqarah, ayat 284)

Read more "Solat Sunat Istikharah"


The Colours of Life

The Colours of Life
Picture taken on Syawal 1, 2009

THE BELOVED FAMILY-Hey, do the maths!

Dad: Mohd Hanaffi bin Hassin
Mom: Noorma bte Mamat


Mohd Ridzwan
Nurul Shuhada
Mohd Amirul Asyraf (blog owner)
Fatihah Sakinah
Nurul Ain Afifah
Ilyana Nazlin
Nur Amira Mawaddah
Mohd Aizat Aiman
Nur Anis
Mohd Amri Afiq