Thursday, September 29, 2011

Tulis Semula Sejarah?

Assalamualaikum wbt.


1. Arkib untuk rakaman penuh wacana ilmiah tentang sejarah tempatan. Perbincangan ini mendapat tempat apabila isu Mat Indera sama ada komunis atau tidak dibangkitkan dan mendapat respon yang banyak daripada ahli politik, ahli akademik dan orang awam.

Semoga bermanfaat.

Merdeka: Wajarkah Sejarah Ditulis Semula?

Read more "Tulis Semula Sejarah?"

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Jenayah dalam Islam: Hudud dan Terroris

Assalamualaikum wbt.

1. Apa khabar semua?

2. Tak dengar, kuat lagi please. APA KHABAR SEMUA?

3. Ok, takpelah saya tak dengar. Yang penting biarlah tulisan kali ini datang dari skrin, terus jatuh ke hati.

4. Saya cuma terdetik untuk menulis tentang isu hudud apabila agak terkejut dengan 'keberanian' pihak media Utusan Malaysia yang menyiarkan karikatur tentang hudud semalam, hari Isnin, 26 September 2011.

5. Terlebih dahulu, jangan terlalu cepat melihat isu ini dari sudut politik, kerana walaupun saya percaya isu ini tidak boleh lari daripada pengaruh politik, biar ulasan saya pada kali ini lebih menjurus ke arah penilaian daripada seorang Muslim yang mengaku sayangkan Islam dan peka dengan persekitarannya.

6. Ingat, bukan saya sorang saje. Anda pun Muslim juga. Jika anda sahabat saya yang bukan Muslim, insya Allah, saya doakan terbuka hati saudara/ri untuk belajar Islam dan Al-Quran. 

Ini gambar karikatur yang saya maksudkan
7. Hanya Allah SWT yang lebih mengetahui apa niat sebenar kartunis ini maka biarlah Allah sendiri yang membalas dengan balasan yang baik atau buruk, berdasarkan niatnya, yang hanya Allah yang tahu.

8. Pun begitu, pandangan peribadi saya meyakinkan saya bahawa kartun ini cuba membawa mesej bahawa hukum hudud ini adalah hukum yang tidak lagi relevan dan lapuk yang sesuai hanya dengan persekitaran orang zaman dahulu tetapi sekarang hanya tinggal memori dan sejarah.

9. Tapi satu lagi kemungkinan, jika dilihat dari aspek politik, mungkin juga kartunis bermaksud untuk menyatakan yang parti politik PAS cuba menghidupkan kembali agenda lama atau klasik mereka iaitu tentang menegakkan hukum hudud, setelah buat seketika agak diam mengenai hudud, kononnya atas alasan mendapat tentangan daripada DAP dalam Pakatan Rakyat atau mungkin juga sebagai strategi menarik sokongan rakyat bukan Islam.

10. Padahal sebenarnya, jika kena caranya, DAP dan orang bukan Islam bukannya takut, malah menyokong hukum hudud! Tapi mengapa ini semua terjadi? Saya akan huraikan sat (sekejap) lagi. Ok, berbalik kepada persepsi bukan politik! hehe..

11. Sebagai seorang Muslim, kita sama sekali tidak patut menghina hukum Allah, kerana itu seperti lagak orang yang seolah-olah lebih pandai daripada Penciptanya. Ini mustahil!

12. Maka saya amat berharap agar kita berdoa yang kartunis ini dibuka hatinya untuk bertaubat dan memohon ampun kepada Allah dan seluruh umat Islam. 

13. Walaupun semakin banyak isu-isu berkaitan umat Islam yang kita dengar sejak akhir-akhir ini, termasuk isu filem Hantu Bonceng, saya ingin mengajak agar kita mengambil sikap proaktif dan positif dalam menanganinya.

14. Pertama, sikap proaktif bermaksud, apabila apa jua isu berkaitan  Islam dipanaskan di kuali negara kita, maka cubalah tunjukkan contoh pendekatan yang baik kepada orang bukan Islam.

15. Selain menunjukkan rasa tidak setuju, perkara yang paling utama adalah untuk memperbetul salah tanggapan yang wujud bukan sahaja dalam kalangan bukan Islam, tetapi orang Islam kita sendiri.

16. Masih ingat tak isu penggunaan nama Allah sebelum ini? Saya secara positif melihat, bila perkara ini menjadi perbincangan di seluruh Malaysia, ia sebenarnya membuka mata banyak pihak untuk mengenali Islam dengan lebih dekat. 

17. Dengan kata lain, banyak penerangan tentang konsep 'Tuhan itu wajib satu' mula tersebar sekaligus menyampaikan mesej Islam yang cantik ini.

"Serulah (manusia) kepada jalan Tuhanmu dengan hikmah dan pengajaran yang baik, serta berdebatlah dengan mereka dengan cara yang baik..."
Surah An-Nahlu (16:125)

18. Begitu juga dengan isu hudud, kita yang Muslim pun kadang-kadang jadi takut sebab kita tak mendapat gambaran yang sebenar tentang hukum hudud.

19. Saya yakin, ada antara kita yang pernah mengambil gula-gula di kedai tanpa izin sewaktu zaman kecik-kecik atau nakal-nakal dulu mesti takut akan tergadai tangannya. Padahal tanggapan itu tidak tepat.

Nota kilat: Hukum hudud bukan hanya terhad kepada potong tangan, sebat juga dalam kategori hudud.

20. Yang perlu dijelaskan ialah mekanisme dan cara pelaksanaan hukuman ini. Ini yang kita selalu lupa padahal inilah yang membuka mata kita semua.

21. Pertama sekali, syarat-syarat untuk dikenakan hukuman ini cukup ketat. Contohnya, jika seseorang itu mencuri kerana terdesak dan hidup penuh kemiskinan, sepatutnya pemerintah yang harus bertanggungjawab kerana tidak menyediakan persekitaran masyarakat yang kondusif.

22. Yang akan menerima hukuman ialah pesalah yang betul-betul 'layak' dan bukannya dalam keadaan terdesak, tetapi memang hobinya mencuri walaupun dia kaya raya.

23. Selain itu, ada juga penetapan dari segi jumlah atau nilai (harga) barang dan harta benda yang dicuri. Yang menjalankan hukuman pula ialah hakim yang adil, bukannya pemerintah yang suka-suka hati membuat keputusan sehingga mungkin boleh menyebelahi anak-beranaknya.

24. Dengan kata lain, Islam telah menggariskan syarat yang cukup cantik dalam pelaksanaan hukum hudud ini.

25. Saya menerima baik cadangan ilmuwan agama yang mahukan Kelantan (kerana buat masa ini hanya Kelantan yang betul-betul berhasrat melaksanakan hudud) untuk meneliti dahulu persekitaran di Kelantan dan Malaysia amnya sebelum melaksanakan hudud.

Nabi s.a.w bersabda:

“Jangan dipotong tangan (pencuri) ketika dalam peperangan.”
(Riwayat al-Tirmizi dan al-Darimi. Hadis dinilai sahih oleh al-Albani)

Al-Imam Tirmizi (297H) ketika meriwayat hadis ini menyebut:

“Sebahagian ilmuwan berpegang dengan nas ini, antara mereka al-Auza’i, mereka berpendapat tidak dilaksanakan hudud ketika peperangan, berhadapan dengan musuh kerana dibimbangi individu yang dihukum itu akan pergi menyertai musuh…”

Dalam riwayat Abu Daud: “Jangan dipotong tangan ketika pemusafiran.” 
(Riwayat Abu Daud. Dinilai sahih oleh al-Albani).

26. Hadis di atas menunjukkan bahawa dalam keadaan tertentu, hukum hudud tak semestinya dilaksanakan. Maka, persekitaran yang kondusif ini penting, supaya hukum Allah apabila dilaksanakan, akan mencapai hasrat atau Maqasid Syariahnya, iaitu menjaga kesejahteraan dan keharmonian masyarakat.

27. Antara contoh persekitaran kondusif yang dimaksudkan adalah dengan memastikan rakyat faham akan cara pelaksanaan hukum ini. Kedua, kerajaan Kelantan juga perlu mencari jalan melepaskan diri daripada 'campur tangan' kerajaan pusat (Malaysia) yang mungkin tidak bersetuju lantas memburuk-burukkan pelaksanaan hudud ini  sekaligus boleh mendatangkan huru-hara.

28. Selain itu, kita juga harus memastikan keadilan ditegakkan sebaiknya. Hukuman hudud bukan hanya dikenakan kepada orang awam, bahkan pemimpin pun akan menerima nasib yang sama jika mereka melakukan jenayah seperti mencuri!

29. Inilah keadilan Islam dan inilah juga cabarannya. Maka saya sekali lagi menyokong penuh hasrat kerajaan Kelantan untuk melaksanakan hudud, dalam masa yang sama berharap agar kita tidak terlalu tergopoh gapah dalam hal ini, sebaliknya sama-sama membantu mempromosikan syariat Islam yang betul agar rakyat benar-benar boleh meraih manfaat daripadanya melalui ilmu yang sahih, dan bukan setakat mengikut membuta tuli.

30. Izinkan saya untuk mengulangi, bahawa dengan pendekatan yang betul serta sikap yang positif apa jua yang berlaku di negara kita boleh disalurkan ke arah kebaikan umat Islam sejagat.

31. Contoh yang saya beri ialah, apabila isu sebegini timbul, ia membuka ruang untuk lebih banyak penganjuran wacana ilmu, dan rakyat sama ada Islam atau tidak mempunyai minat yang lebih tinggi untuk mencari jawapan mahupun maklumat tentang Islam.

32. Oleh sebab kita masih di bulan September, elok juga kiranya sebagai penutup saya kaitkan isu yang saya bicarakan di atas dengan tragedi 11 September yang berlaku 10 tahun yang lalu.

"Dan mereka (orang-orang kafir) membuat tipu daya, maka Allah pun membalas tipu daya. Dan Allah sebaik-baik pembalas tipu daya."
Surah Ali-'Imran (3:54)

33. Tragedi ini adalah yang paling pelik dan melucukan buat kita yang suka membaca. Bukan sahaja ia tak logik untuk dikaitkan dengan pengganas Islam, malah jika dikaitkan bagaimana sekalipun, itu bukan ajaran Islam yang sebenar!

34. Saya tak bercadang untuk menghurai panjang tentang 'konspirasi' yang tak masuk akal ini, tapi anda boleh rujuk sendiri di rujukan nombor 4 yang saya sediakan di bawah. Sedikit sebanyak, ia memberi penjelasan yang baik tentang tipu helah musuh Islam.

35. Tapi yang hendak saya sampaikan sekarang lebih penting. Rujuk Surah Ali-'Imran di atas. Ada satu perkara menarik yang berlaku di sini.

36. Tahukah kita, di negara Barat, semakin ramai rakyat mereka yang memeluk Islam, walaupun setelah kononnya diwar-warkan bahawa Islam agama pengganas?

37. Dianggarkan lebih 20 000 rakyat Amerika Syarikat yang masuk Islam setiap tahun. Dan negara Barat memang mencatatkan kadar penukaran agama kepada Islam yang cukup rancak!

38. Pada saya, ini sepatutnya sudah cukup membuka mata kita. Sikap terpuji orang Barat ialah mereka suka mengkaji. Maka, walaupun mungkin asalnya bermotivasikan kegeraman dan dendam, setelah mendalami Islam dengan lebih teliti dan mempelajari Al-Quran, mereka 'cair' dengan kebenaran dan bersyukur kerana akhirnya dapat menemui Tuhan!

39. Inilah dia kekuasaan Allah. Pada pandangan mereka orang akan takut dan jauh daripada Islam. Padahal dengan rancangan jahat mereka, Allah SWT telah menggerakkan hati mereka untuk mengkaji Islam sehingga mereka sendiri menjadi Muslim subhanallah!

40. Akhir sekali, inilah sikap yang saya mahu kita ambil. Agak susah untuk orang mendengar bila kita sampaikan Islam dalam bentuk penyataan.

41. Tetapi jika mereka sendiri menimbulkan persoalan, dan kita balas dengan jawapan yang baik dan penuh hikmah maka ini bukan sahaja membuka jalan membuang salah tanggapan terhadap Islam, malah menjemput sahabat bukan Islam di negara kita untuk bersama menyertai keluarga Islam di negara tercinta ini.

42. Dengan kata lain, bersikap positiflah dan carilah hikmah!

Wallahuaklam, Allah lebih tahu. Segala yang baik semua sekali hanya milik-Nya. Maafkan saya jika ada sebarang kesilapan, maka itu kelemahan saya. Saya alu-alukan pembetulan daripada saudara/ri.

Laman Muka Buku saya

Read more "Jenayah dalam Islam: Hudud dan Terroris"

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Islam is the solution

Note: If you intend to read this article in Malay Language, or want to share it with someone who prefers that language, please download this booklet version here --> (Islamlah penawarnya).

My Facebook Page

Assalamualaikum wbt.

1. Let me begin with a wonderful verse from the Quran that says;

2. This verse tells us that if we are a true believer (Mu'min), then we should not give up hope in life, nor should we grieve upon anything that befalls us. Why?


My dear lovely brothers and sisters,

3. Allah, the Most Loving, has bestowed upon us the greatest love through His words in the Quran that by referring to it alone, we can find a lot of answers to our challenging life.

4. Undoubtedly, the book of Quran, our main reference in Islam is not only a book of the best literature, a wonderful encyclopedia of Science, an evergreen reference to mankind, a perfect set of rules and laws and also a book of real inspiring stories but it is surely the best book of motivation and healing.

5. Therefore, for the next part of this article, you will be going through a series of question and answer, specifically designed in a beautiful order, to enter into your heart and answer your possible questions about life insya Allah.

Why am I tested?

Do men think that they will be left alone on saying, "We believe," and that they will not be tested? We did test those before them, and Allah will certainly know those who are true from those who are false. 
Surah Al-Ankabut (29:2-3)

Why not I get what I dreamed of?

It is possible that something which you don't like is good for you and that something which you love is bad for you. Allah knows, and you do not.
Surah Al-Baqarah (2:216)

But can I endure all these?

Allah does not burden any human being with more than he can bear
Surah Al-Baqarah (2:2-3)

Then what should I do?

Seek Allah's help with patience and Solah (prayers); it is indeed hard to be patient and to be punctual in offering Solah except for those who fear Allah. 
Surah Al-Baqarah (2:45)

Where do I put my hope and trust?

Allah is all-sufficient for me. There is no god but Him. In Him I have put my trust. He is the Rabb of the Mighty Throne.
Surah At-Taubah (9:129)

What do I get out of going through this?

Indeed Allah has purchased from the believers their persons and their wealth and in return has promised them paradised; they fight in the cause of Allah and slay and are slain. This is a true promise which is binding on Him mentioned in Taurat (Torah), the Injeel (Gospel) and the Quran; and who is more true in fulfilling his promise than Allah? Rejoice, therefore, in the bargain which you have made, and that is mighty achievement.
Surah At-Taubah (9:111)

But what if I can't (hold on anymore)!

Never give up hope of Allah's mercy; in fact none despairs of Allah's mercy except the unbelieving people.
Surah Yusuf (12:87)

So for how longer?

Surely with every difficulty there is relief. Surely with every difficulty there is relief.
Surah Al-Inshirah (94:5-6)

6. Subhanallah, glory be unto Him. I have always believed that the Quran as gift from Allah is an ultimate cure to our soul as well as to our physical body.

7. Alhamdulillah, praise be upon Allah alone, that by His will and permission I have also made this post special for you with a beautiful melody of repentance in the montage below that I just composed. Please calm your heart, think about Him and listen to it.

8. To complete this article, let me then elaborate more on the subject (Islam is the solution).

9. Sometimes, we forget that Islam is a way of life that encompasses every single aspect of living. Maybe because we already enjoy it without knowing that it is actually Islam.

10. Compare Islam with other religions, then we will know that Islam is not merely a religion. This is because out there, there are religions which are only restricted to the spiritual aspect of life, that you are religious when you are not married, when you go nowhere except to places of worship, and when you eat nothing except vegetables.

11. Islam allows us to get married, to go to work, visit people and eat everything we want except what by His virtue are prohibited.

12. Compare Islam with ideologies, then we will realize that Islam is not merely an ideology or just another philosophy. Islam offers its own unique teaching and philosophies but it has also avoided from going to the extreme of two most prominent ideologies namely the Capitalism and Socialism.

13. Capitalism allows an individual to excel and gain everything even at the expense of the other individual. This is nothing but selfishness. Meanwhile, socialism limits individual's right to the most ridiculous level, that everyone should care not about himself but only concern about the society alone. This is oppression!

14. Islam on the other hand, allows individual freedom, but provide a guideline as to not go beyond the limit. This surely maintains the relationship between mankind and society while it creates a strong bond between a person and his God (Allah SWT) and also with his fellow mates on earth. Not to forget his relationship with other living creatures.

15. Far from being defective, Islam offers the best solution to humanity, to achieve a long lasting peace and harmony. It provides the best guidelines to the created us, because this manual is designed by the sole Creator, One and Only, Allah SWT.

16. Nevertheless, to be able to understand and appreciate all of these, we shall always go back to what is the most urgent and important thing in Islam, which is our faith or aqeedah.

17. They said that Rome was not built in one day. But neither was it built in 10 years!

18. Madinah (Medina) however, took more or less 10 years to be established (during the lifetime of Rasulullah SAW). Have we ever thought of the recipe behind this anyway?

19. Exactly, out of 23 years work of dakwah (inviting people to the way of Allah) by our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW (peace and blessing be upon him), more than half i.e.13 years of it was spent in Makkatul Mukarramah (Mecca) to strengthen the aqeedah (faith) of the Muslims.

20. And this was exactly the recipe. A strong faith and aqeedah.

21. It is therefore also the real challenge of our generation i.e threat to our faith and aqeedah.

22. Science and technology and all other things that have been invented to make our life easy seem to take the place of God! Materialism, to be more precise has grabbed away our belief in Allah.

23. This is therefore what we must mostly work on now. To learn Islam by knowing Allah, understand Quran and ahadith and then put them into practice. I have authored three related articles about faith and aqeedah. You can read them from the links below.


Malay language:
Ghaib (The Unseen- Part 2)
Betulkah Allah Wujud? (Does Allah exist?)

24. As a conclusion to this article, I would like to invite all of us to thank Allah for all the things He has granted upon us, especially the two most valuable gifts namely Islam and Eeman (faith).

25. We should always believe that Islam is the only solution to all sorts of problem in humanity that we are facing in this modern world today and from now on do our part to spread the beauty of Islam. 

26. Only by being thankful we shall prosper. Wallahua'lam. Verily Allah knows best.

Take care and assalamualaikum wbt, may peace and blessings be upon you.

"He has given you all that you could ask for and if you want to count the favors of Allah, you will never be able to count them. In fact, man is unjust, thankless."

Surah Ibrahim (14:34)

Read more "Islam is the solution"

Monday, September 12, 2011

Kafir Vs Non-Muslims

Feel free to visit my page here
Let me ask you this.

"Are all Non-Muslims Kafir?"


Assalamualaikum wbt.

1. Yes, indeed it is a very interesting question yet it has a great impact on the way we behave as Muslims. At least I believe so.

2. The brief answer, as far as I am concern is that all Kafir are non-Muslims but not all non-Muslims are Kafir. I repeat, not all non-Muslims are Kafir!

3. Hence, to enlighten you with this claim, my elaboration below will be substantiated with proofs from the Quran and ahadith (the plural form of hadith) insya Allah, and is based on a number of references I made and studied through. (The list of reference is provided below for you).

4. Actually I personally came across this very recently too. It is an eye-opening consciousness yet very significant to influence the way we treat others who are not Muslims.

5. Think about this. Many of us were born as Muslims and then grew up knowing that there are others who were born not as Muslims. Can we then postulate from there that we were BORN to enter Paradise and these non-Muslims were BORN to be the inmates of Hellfire?

6. The Paradise is too small to accommodate everyone isn't it?

7. This question becomes more relevant when we go back to the first question just now. Are all non-Muslims Kafir? Because if they are, then maybe it's true that the door for Paradise is already closed for them and 'spared' only for us. Why? Because the Kafir will always reject the truth.


"In fact, as for those who reject Faith; it is the same, whether you warn them or you don't, they will not believe."

Surah Al-Baqarah (2:6)

8. When I said that knowing this difference affects the way we treat non-Muslims, the above verse explains it all. That if all non-Muslims are Kafir, then we will bother not about them because they are surely rejecting whatever truth we present to them. In other words, there is no need to do dakwah to non-Muslims!

9. Is that true though?

10. Let me try to use a simple logic now. When Prophet SAW accepted the revelation, he was the first Muslim (during his time) and by right, others were at that moment non-Muslims.

11. This includes his own most beloved wife, Khadijah and great companions like the four Khulafa' Ar-Rashideen (The rightly guided caliphs), may Allah have mercy on them all. Ameen. If it was true that non-Muslims were Kafir and will absolutely reject Islam, why would Prophet SAW talked about Islam to these people when they were not yet Muslims?

12. It makes sense to us now right? That they were non-Muslims but finally accepted Islam! Which means, that the verse above, is addressed to the people whom are Kafir, not the non-Muslims alone. In other words, Kafir and non-Muslims are two different status, where the former won't accept Islam, but the latter may do so.

13. I believe that you are clear about that part now. But to complete this and make it even clearer to you, let's understand the definition of the word Kafir.

14. Abdullah Yusuf Ali translates Al-Kafirun as those bent on rejecting the truth.

15. We need a clarification here. A Kafir is one whom even after knowing truth, he rejects it. Therefore, he must know the truth first before he rejects it. How could someone reject something that he does not even know?

16. A non-Muslim however, who has never heard of Islam, or heard of it but in a distorted way, according to my understanding, should not be regarded as Kafir. So, we cannot use the verse above (2:6) to justify our refusal to do dakwah to non-Muslims.

17. I pick this subject for several important reasons. I already explained one i.e. so that we don't find excuse from preaching Islam to non-Muslims.

18. Another reason is about justice. Do you know that this question of justice is a favorite question by non-Muslims (and can therefore be the reason why they don't accept Islam)?

19. They ask, is it fair for God to make them non-Muslims and then burn them in Hell though they have never heard about the pristine (original) message of Islam?

20. This is however beautifully answered by Allah SWT in the Holy Book of Quran when He SWT says;

"..And never would We punish until we sent a messenger."

Surah Al-Isra' (17:15)

21. Therefore, the one whom will be punished are those Kafir whom rejected truth even after the warning has been given to them. Because Allah with His ultimate justice will only punish those whom reject His messengers and the message they brought. Further proof can be found in the following verse:

"Almost bursting with fury: Every time a Group is cast therein, its Keepers will ask,"Did no Warner come to you?" They will say: "Yes indeed; a Warner did come to us, but we rejected him and said,"Allah never sent down any (Message): Ye are nothing but an egregious delusion!""

Surah Al-Mulk (67:8-9)
22. The above verse is a conversation in the Hellfire whereby the inmates were asked of a Warner and as you can read, these people are those whom already received the message but rejected it.

23. Right. Now, how about those that died not as Muslims but never heard of Islam? I have 3 answers for this.

24. First, in this modern world where everything is connected and resource is just everywhere, the chance that one has never heard of Islam is very highly unlikely. Second, it is therefore our responsibility as Muslims to do the dakwah to non-Muslims lest Allah will make us accountable for non-Muslims whom know us but never heard a single word about Islam from us. Third, to non-Muslim friends, it is your task to learn Islam and then make a decision as to whether you should stay being whom you are, even after knowing the truth! Our job as Muslims is merely to bring the message forward to you.

"There shall be no compulsion in (acceptance of) the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing."

Surah Al-Baqarah (2:256)

We choose the path we want to take in life ;-)

25. I think it is also good to put here the answer given by a great Islamic scholar of our time, Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid regarding the question. He says that;

"A person who has never heard of Islam or the Prophet SAWs (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and who has never heard the message in its correct and true form, will not be punished by Allah if he dies in a state of kufr (disbelief)."

26. You can read his full answer to the original question asked here.

27. Before I forget, he also states that these group of people however will be tested by Allah during the Day of Judgement.

28. I do not plan to write any longer but let me conclude this part and end with the most important lesson I believe we should put in our mind.

29. To conclude this part, I notice that from my reading, some references I found do not distinguish between the word non-Muslims and Kafir. Therefore I am not here to force you to accept this distinction.

30. However, my intention is simple. Among the non-Muslims, there will always be people whom do not accept Islam because they have not heard of the true message of Islam. 

31. Unfortunately, we Muslims sometimes forget that it is our tasks to let them know about Islam because we think that they are Kafir. That's why I am writing this to try to correct our misconception. Don't simply call them Kafir. Instead, look at them with love and a sincere hope that we want them to join us becoming true Muslims. Remember, our job is only to tell them the truth. It is not our problem if they do not want to accept it.

"......And if they submit (in Islam), they are rightly guided; but if they turn away - then upon you is only the (duty of) notification. And Allah is Seeing of (His) servants."

Surah Ali-'Imran (3:20)

32. The final part of this article is to me the most important of all. Whether or not we realize, the problem with the term Kafir is more dangerous than we may think it is.

33. Apart from mistakenly calling all the non-Muslims as Kafir, some people ignorantly call their Muslim friends Kafir just because they differ in minor opinions about Islam, sometimes more shockingly in matters which are very small.

34. I bring up this issue because it occurs amongst us Muslims nowadays and we really have to address this issue very carefully.

35. Calling others as Kafir, when in fact if by Allah's knowledge he is not a Kafir, will certainly bring a great calamity towards us because it will in turn make us Kafir instead! What a grave error don't we think? Na'uzubillahiminzalik..

36. Try to read the following hadith;

"It is reported on the authority of Ibn `Umar that the Prophet (may peace and blessings be upon him) said: Any person who calls his brother: O Unbeliever (Kafir)! (Then the truth of this label) would return to one of them. If it is true, (then it is) as he asserted, (but if it is not true), then it returns to him (and thus the person who made the accusation is an Unbeliever)." 

(Narrated by Muslim)

37. Therefore, I would like to call upon ourselves to be very careful about giving labels to other people lest the labels come back to us and make us what we thought others are!

38. Remember, we do not live to disintegrate, but to unite as Muslims! I have written a long article regarding unity in Islam in my previous article.

"Indeed, those who have divided their religion and become sects - you, (O Muhammad) are not (associated) with them in anything. Their affair is only [left] to Allah; then He will inform them about what they used to do."

Surah Al-An'am (6:159)

39. To end, let me reiterate at least 2 lessons we should take from this article. First, the duty to do dakwah to non-Muslims is our duty. So, let's do it. Second, please do not simply call others Kafir, when only Allah knows what's in their heart. Be careful instead, and be rational, not emotional.

40. Also, I would like to say I am sorry should there is any weakness in this little piece and I look forward for your comments and feedback. Truly Allah knows best and I hope He will always guide us and grant us all His Paradise. Ameen.

Wassalamualaikum wbt. Take care all =)

"And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says, "Indeed, I am of the Muslims.""

 Surah Fussilat (41:33)

Read more "Kafir Vs Non-Muslims"

Monday, September 5, 2011

Unity in Islam

"When the sand grains unite they become a vast desert. When the sea drops unite they become a boundless ocean."

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum wbt.

1. Allah SWT says in the Quran, "And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you - when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers...."
Surah Ali-'Imran (3:103)

2. There are many people out there who dispute and at war with each other because of their differences in opinion, ideologies and even religions. People shed blood in the name of religion and kill each other to allow theirs (religions) to prevail.

3. Islam on the other hand, is absolutely against disunity and injustice. How?

4. Before that, I am a Muslim but let me be frank and admit that there were wars or crime by Muslims themselves. But let me clarify here that any act of terrorism committed by Muslims does not at all represent Islam. We tell every rational person, that it is an injustice if we judge a religion by looking at the followers instead of looking at the real teaching of it, or the scriptures that it has.

5. For that, let me break this down to two. First, those crimes by Muslims are done by the extremist group. Not only that they form a very small percentage of Muslims (as opposed to the disproportionate image cast by the media), the crimes by these so-called Muslims are also small (in number) relative to those by criminals with no relationship to Islam at all. (For longer elaboration and factual proofs you can check my previous article here)

6. Secondly, we should look at what Al-Quran (the primary source of reference in Islam) tells the Muslims to do. When our beloved Prophet SAW was revealed with the Quran, he was told not only to save the Muslims, but he was entitled to bring about rahmat and love to the whole universe. Not only Muslims, not even only mankind, but the whole universe!

7. In the Quran Allah says,"And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the worlds." Surah Al-Anbiya' (21:107)

8. Islam carries the message of peace and dictates no compulsion about accepting it. It is by this attribute that Islam has attracted many non-Muslims to see the beauty of its teaching and therefore submit themselves as Muslims.

"There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion." Surah Al-Baqarah (2:256)

9. Another proof that Islam values every soul in this world very highly is when we can find a passage in the Quran that reads,"...whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption (done) in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely..." Surah Al-Maidah (5:32)

10. Had Islam taught its followers to kill people as they wish, it would have never come up with such a wonderful and merciful statement.

11. Next, Islam is also a practical religion. It is by the shahadatain which is the declaration of faith in Islam that brings its followers together as a united ummah. When Muslims declare that there is no God except Allah SWT and that Muhammad SAW was His servant and final messenger, and then follow the Quran and ahadith, there is no other single thing that can unite them in any better way.

There is no God but Allah, Muhammad was Messenger of Allah
12. That's why, Muslims are Muslims. It is not acceptable in Islam to divide according to mazhab (school of thoughts), nations, or even to identify oneself as a Sunni, Shiite or whatever it is except to call ourselves Muslims, hence unite as Muslims.

13. There is a profound reminder given by Prophet SAW during the final Hajj (hujjatul wida') when he SAW clearly stated that the Arabs has no superiority over other nations, the same way it is the other way around. Otherwise, I as a Malay Muslim from Malaysia would always think that I am always inferior to the Arabs, which makes no sense at all, because no one can ask to be born as what i.e nation or race.

14. Instead, as Islam again promotes justice and unity, one is fairly judged through their righteousness and taqwa in Allah instead.

15. Having said that, regardless of whatever cultural or racial background one has, he who is most honored in the sight of Allah will be the one whom are the most righteous.

16. Allah says in the Quran that,"Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you." Surah Al-Hujurat (49:13)

17. Similarly, Allah has also decreed upon Muslims to seek peaceful unity with the people of the Book or the Christian and the Jews by inviting them to agree on a common term that Allah is One and Only and that we should worship no one but Him. This is mentioned in Surah Ali-Imran (3:64)

18. In short, Islam from the smallest to the greatest aspect of its teaching has placed peace and unity as the main objective, whereby this peace is inclusive of a peaceful life in the world now and also a peaceful life in the Hereafter insya Allah.

19. Moreover, Islam as we all know, comes from another derivative in Arabic word which is salam and salam means peace.

20. To end this, let me briefly mention here that an Apartheid hero by the name Malcolm X or Malik Shabaz, was also impressed by the reality of brotherhood in Islam when he was performing Hajj (pilgrimage) in Mecca and saw no discrimination between white and black people among the Muslim community. It is for this reason that made him a better Muslim (from a racist Black) and helped him unite the black people as we all know today. What else is there to prove that Islam is nothing but (for) peace?

21. We pray to Allah for peace of everyone, especially for our brothers and sisters in Islam in Palestine and all other countries with ongoing crisis.

22. And we thank Allah the Most High for all blessings He has granted upon us all this while. I shall close this article by quoting a wonderful saying that says, "Don't be like scissors which cut and divide, but be like needle which join and unite!"

Wallahuaklam. Truly Allah knows best!

1. This article is authored for As-Shifa' Magazine, September edition.
2. Al-Fatihah to Brother Noramfaizul, our hero who was syahid in Somalia. May Allah place him together with those whom He grants Jannatul Firdaus. Ameen..
Read more "Unity in Islam"

Saturday, September 3, 2011

New Posters


Assalamualaikum wbt.

Share them as you wish. ;-)

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Ulama Politik: Untuk Dakwah Atau Parti?


Assalamualaikum wbt.

1. I very often than not, have a time gap between one post and another, so that I can achieve my blog KPI to update at least 4 articles per month or 1 per week. 

2. However because today is the beginning of September, and also it's a good thing to share immediately with everyone, I present this to you (it's not mine though, it's a sharing only meyh) despite having posted one just yesterday.

3. This is a forum moderated by a renowned speaker, Profesor Madya Dr. Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin, featuring unique and distinguished speakers namely Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man from Parti Islam Semalaysia (PAS), Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria, Mufti of Perak and Fathul Bari Mat Jahaya, usually addressed as the young ulama' of United Malay Nation Organisation (UMNO).

4. The topic is very interesting and apt given the current political development in Malaysia plus the imminent general election probably by the end of this year or early next year. I would translate it as 'Ulama' in Politics: For The Sake of Dakwah or Party?'

5. Alright, I'll stop here. You may watch now, I have embedded all 6 parts here from YouTube. Credits to the co-organisers, Sinar Harian and Karangkraf. Credits also to TVPas Channel for uploading the video. Please share it around!!

6. Just a short conclusion. I wish and pray that through many other intellectual discourse of this kind, we nurture a fresh culture of intellect, better understanding and open-mindedness within our community. Our people now are no longer stupid. We are all educated. We voice out in one echo that we do not want to be fooled and we are responsible to shape our own country.

Long live Islam and sejahteralah Malaysia, aman harmoni pelbagai warna! ;-)

Ibnu Hanaffi,
Syawal 3rd, 1432 Hijriah (September 1st, 2011)
Read more "Ulama Politik: Untuk Dakwah Atau Parti?"


The Colours of Life

The Colours of Life
Picture taken on Syawal 1, 2009

THE BELOVED FAMILY-Hey, do the maths!

Dad: Mohd Hanaffi bin Hassin
Mom: Noorma bte Mamat


Mohd Ridzwan
Nurul Shuhada
Mohd Amirul Asyraf (blog owner)
Fatihah Sakinah
Nurul Ain Afifah
Ilyana Nazlin
Nur Amira Mawaddah
Mohd Aizat Aiman
Nur Anis
Mohd Amri Afiq