Sunday, March 27, 2011

Isu Bunuh Diri: Tolong Saya!

Assalamualaikum wbt.

“Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Jauhilah kebanyakan dari sangkaan (supaya kamu tidak menyangka sangkaan yang dilarang) kerana sesungguhnya sebahagian dari sangkaan itu adalah dosa; dan janganlah kamu mengintip mencari-cari kesalahan orang; dan janganlah setengah kamu mengumpat antara satu sama lain. Adakah seseorang dari kamu suka memakan daging saudaranya yang telah mati? maka sudah tentu kamu jijik kepadanya. (Oleh itu, patuhilah larangan-larangan yang tersebut) dan bertaqwalah kamu kepada Allah; sesungguhnya Allah Penerima taubat, lagi Maha Mengasihani."  
Surah al-Hujurat (49: 12)


Berita Ibnu Hanaffi: Ahad, 27 Mac 2011
1. Baru-baru ini, kita sekali lagi dihidangkan dengan cerita sensasi tentang cubaan bunuh diri seorang gadis remaja di KB Mall, Kelantan. Khabarnya, gadis tersebut cuma cedera ringan alhamdulillah. Kali ini, Allah memberi peluang pengajaran bukan sahaja kepada yang melihat, tetapi juga kepada gadis itu insya Allah untuk insaf dan berubah.

2. Saya yakin semua orang sudah maklum akan tegahan keras oleh Islam terhadap sebarang usaha membunuh diri. Jadi, saya akan cuba sentuh secara ringkas tentang pengharaman ini. Pun begitu, saya akan lebih tumpukan kepada isu yang lebih besar dan lebih penting, iaitu bagaimana sepatutnya kita umat Islam mendepani hal-hal sebegini berdasarkan sedikit penelitian dan pendapat peribadi saya. 

Salah satu rakaman babak cemas cubaan membunuh diri:

3. Allah dengan jelas menyebut di dalam Surah An-Nisa' (4:29) maksudnya: ".... Dan janganlah kamu membunuh dirimu. Sungguh, Allah Maha Penyayang kepadamu."

4. Larangan ini dikuatkan lagi dengan banyak sumber Al-Quran dan hadis yang lain. Antaranya ialah melalui hadis riwayat Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu 'anhu, katanya:  

"Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Barang siapa yang bunuh diri dengan benda tajam, maka benda tajam itu akan dipegangnya untuk menikam perutnya di neraka Jahanam. Hal itu akan berlangsung terus selamanya. Barang siapa yang minum racun sampai mati, maka ia akan meminumnya perlahan-lahan di neraka Jahanam selama-lamanya. Barang siapa yang menjatuhkan diri dari gunung untuk membunuh diri, maka ia akan jatuh di neraka Jahanam selama-lamanya." (Sahih Muslim No. 158)

Saya yakin bahawa tidak perlu lagi penerangan lanjut. Semuanya cukup jelas. Bunuh diri DITEGAH dalam Islam.

5. Sekarang, fokus yang lebih berat ialah bagaimana kita mengambil pengajaran daripada hal ini. Suka saya mulakan dengan meminjam satu peribahasa Melayu yang berbunyi:

Kuman di seberang laut nampak, gajah di depan mata pun tak nampak.

Cukup pedas kata-kata pujangga Melayu. Teknik ironi yang digunakan berkesan dan jelas. Sedangkan sekecil-kecil mikroorganisma, jauh pulak tu, boleh nampak, bagaimana pula gajah yang punyalah besar, di depan mata pulak tu, tapi tak boleh nampak. Bunyinya aneh, tetapi ia berlaku.

6. Mesej yang ingin saya sampaikan sebenarnya sangat mudah. Saya agak terkilan dengan sikap kita menuding jari, mencerca dan menghina gadis yang cuba membunuh diri itu. Bukannya ingin menyokong perbuatannya cuba mengambil nyawa sendiri, bukan pula meminta masyarakat menerima perbuatan yang salah itu, tetapi saya fikir, kita telah membuat perkiraan yang salah.

7. Susah untuk mengolah kerana saya sendiri pun tidak maklum apa punca sebenar usaha bunuh diri itu. Cuma, saya tidak bersetuju dengan keluhan orang seperti, "Alah, gagal SPM pun nak bunuh diri ke? Bodoh betullah!" Dan banyak lagi keluhan yang lebih kurang serupa.

8. Tanyalah siapa pun, semuanya pasti mengaku bahawa hidup ini cukup kompleks. Saya yakin, gadis ini mempunyai banyak masalah dan emosinya tidak stabil. Kalaupun mungkin (walaupun saya ragu-ragu akan kebarangkaliannya) hanya ada BETUL-BETUL SATU sahaja sebab dia membunuh diri, kita perlu pula melihat bagaimana tahap ilmu agamanya, sekaligus kekuatan aqidahnya.

9. Ibaratnya, kalau seguni garam dicurah di atas tangan tidak mengapa, tetapi jika tangan itu luka, ditabur secubit garam pun akan meraung!

10. Apabila saya meminta kita memahami situasi gadis itu, bukannya saya menyeru kita mengiktiraf tindakannya. Memahami dan mengiktiraf adalah dua perkara yang jelas berbeza.

11. Kenapa kita perlu memahami? Berikut huraian saya. Saya khuatir, terkadang, kita terlalu angkuh dan yakin bahawa jika kita berada di tempat gadis itu dan mengalami tekanan yang sama, kita PASTI tidak akan bunuh diri. Berhati-hatilah! Pada saya, itu bisikan syaitan!

12. Saya minta kita cuba ambil contoh yang pernah berlaku kepada diri sendiri, barulah lebih terang untuk kita fahami. Contohnya, saya yakin kita pernah berjumpa dengan manusia yang ketika miskin, sangat marahkan orang yang kaya kerana kedekut, sehinggalah suatu hari dia menjadi kaya lantas menjadi lebih kedekut dan bakhil daripada yang telah sedia bakhil dan kedekut. Begitu juga orang yang marahkan ahli politik, tetapi apabila dia masuk politik, dia lebih teruk daripada orang yang dulunya dibenci olehnya.

13. Hujahnya cukup mudah. Yang salah tetap salah. Tetapi jangan kita terlalu yakin dengan diri kita sehingga kita sanggup menghina orang membuta tuli dan dalam masa yang sama hidup penuh angkuh dan bongkak (seolah-olah kita terjamin bebas daripada kesilapan). Tahukah kita iblis dahulunya antara makhluk Allah yang paling banyak ilmu dan ahli ibadah yang setia? Hanya sebab bongkak dan angkuhlah (enggan tunduk hormat kepada Nabi Adam a.s), iblis dimurkai oleh Allah, dikeluarkan daripada syurga, dan akan dihumban oleh Allah SWT ke dalam neraka Jahanam pada hari akhirat kelak. Maka masih mahukah kita angkuh dan bongkak? Nauzubillahi minzalik.

14. Pada pendapat saya, jika kita orang berilmu, begini cara kita mendepaninya. Pertama, kita sama-samalah berdoa agar kita dijauhkan daripada perkara sedemikian (niat membunuh diri). Setiap kali dan setiap hari kita solat, sama ada kita sedar atau tidak, kita meminta hidayah daripada Allah SWT melalui Surah Al-Fatihah, ayat ke-6, maksudnya: "Tunjukkanlah kami ke jalan yang lurus." Doa ialah permintaan kita daripada Allah. Kalau kita sudah ada, buat apa nak pinta betul tak? Dengan kata lain, disyariatkan kita memintanya  (hidayah) sebagai bukti dan pengakuan bahawa kita belum memilikinya, ini kita mesti faham! Maka itulah sebabnya kita perlu menghayati bacaan solat kita dan sentiasa meminta daripada Allah, agar kita tidak membuta tuli yakin, lantas menjadi angkuh dan bongkak seperti syaitan dan iblis.

15. Saya tidak bercakap kosong. Ini buktinya. Dalam hadis yang ke-24 daripada Himpunan Hadis 40 Imam An-Nawawi, Rasulullah SAW bersabda maksudnya (petikan): "..........Wahai hamba-Ku, kalian semua adalah sesat, kecuali siapa yang Aku beri hidayah. Maka mintalah hidayah kepada-Ku, nescaya Aku akan memberikan kepada kalian hidayah....." (Hadis Sahih, Riwayat Imam Muslim)

16. Selepas itu, eloklah pula jika berdoa supaya Allah mengampuni si gadis yang lemah ini, dan semoga Allah menunjukinya jalan yang betul. Jika tidak, dengan sikap berang, angkuh dan membuta tuli kita, saya amat yakin tekanan daripada orang sekeliling akan terus memaksa gadis ini ke arah yang lebih teruk, dan saya pasti dia akan cuba membunuh diri lagi. Jika itu berlaku, adakah puas hati kita? Bayangkan suatu hari kita buat kesilapan, memang kita perlu ditegur. Tetapi fitrahnya, kita perlukan orang sekeliling untuk memberi semangat dan motivasi untuk berubah dan kuatkan semangat menjadi lebih baik.

17. Anda semua sedar tak apa penghujung kepada ayat dalam Surah An-Nisa' di atas? Cuba baca sekali lagi. Dalam pada Allah menegah kita bunuh diri, Allah yakinkan kita di penghujung ayat bahawa dia Maha Penyayang. Tidak menitiskah air mata bila kita fikirkan kasih sayang yang Allah tunjukkan ini? Allah mahu kita melawan kebatilan dan kejahatan, dengan meyakini akan rahmat dan kasih sayang yang Dia ada. Jika begitu, susah benarkah kita mengasihi dan membantu insan lain  yang perlukan pertolongan untuk berubah? Fikir-fikirkanlah, dan mulai hari ini, banyakkanlah berdoa. Doa untuk menyelamatkan kita dan doa kepada orang-orang di sekitar kita.

18.  Akhir sekali, saya mahu kita semua membuka mata dan melihat isu membunuh diri ini lebih daripada sekadar apa yang berlaku di KB Mall. Terlebih dahulu, sila teliti maksud ayat berikut:

"... dan janganlah kamu jatuhkan (diri sendiri) ke dalam kebinasaan dengan tangan sendiri..."
Surah Al-Baqarah (2:195)

19. Membunuh diri meletakkan kita ke arah kebinasaan. Sama ada kita sedar ataupun tidak, ada juga perkara yang membunuh kita secara perlahan dan dalam jangka masa yang panjang. Contohnya, merokok. Perbuatan ini juga membinasakan dan memudaratkan. Saya minta maaf kepada yang merokok, tetapi anda perlu fikirkan baik-baik, perbuatan ini telah terbukti mendatangkan mudarat dan penyakit, maka melakukannya mendekatkan kita ke arah membinasakan diri sendiri. Ringkasnya, dalam pada mungkin kita mengutuk orang yang cuba membunuh diri, adakah kita sedar takut-takut kita pun sedang cuba membunuh diri dengan membakar tembakau?

20. Sekali lagi, saya faham keadaan perokok walaupun mungkin tidak sepenuhnya (sukar mengelak ketagihan). Seperti huraian saya di atas, kita (termasuk saya) tidak boleh angkuh dan bongkak walaupun saya tidak merokok alhamdulillah. Malah saya berdoa agar saya dijauhkan daripadanya dan juga semoga yang merokok berusaha meninggalkannya. Sebab itu saya cuba memahami. Saya juga ada ahli keluarga yang pernah merokok dan kini alhamdulillah langsung 'kebal' daripada melakukannya lagi dan saya ambil pengajaran yang besar daripada perkara ini. Apa pengajarannya?

21. Pengajaran pertama ialah perbuatan yang tidak baik memang sukar untuk ditinggalkan tetapi itu bukan alasan untuk tidak berusaha kerana telah terbukti ada yang berjaya. Kedua, saya selaku ahli keluarga sudah melihat bagaimana kasih sayang dan sokongan ahli keluarga berjaya akhirnya membantu individu meninggalkan perbuatan seperti merokok ini. Sekaligus, saya sendiri telah melalui kisah hidup sebenar tentang pentingnya doa, sokongan dan sifat positif walaupun dalam berhadapan dengan perkara yang tidak baik.

22. Sebagai penutup, suka saya mengajak kita semua untuk melindungi diri daripada terkesan dengan persekitaran fitnah dalam dunia politik tanah air sekarang. Saya sendiri merasa malu dengan apa yang berlaku, lebih-lebih lagi apabila difikirkan bahawa semua ini berlaku oleh dan dalam masyarakat Islam sendiri. Masya Allah, jauhnya kita daripada Islam.

23. Saya juga sangat bersyukur kerana dikurniakan peluang untuk belajar banyak perkara daripada seorang hamba Allah yang merupakan jurulatih debat Bahasa Melayu sewaktu di MCKK dulu. Sekarang pun alhamdulillah, beliau masih banyak memberi tunjuk ajar dan motivasi, doa saya semoga beliau sentiasa di dalam rahmat Allah dalam setiap perbuatannya. Kehadirannyalah yang banyak mematangkan saya tentang politik dan membuka mata tentang bagaimana sebenarnya realiti dalam percaturan politik Malaysia sekarang.

Video berikut ialah persembahan ringkas ketika dijemput dalam Majlis Makan Malam bersama delegasi persidangan  anjuran IMU. Suka saya akui bahawa banyak keyakinan yang datang untuk berucap di khalayak ramai sehinggalah kepada persembahan seperti gurindam, saya pelajari melalui jurulatih saya ini, yang banyak menekankan tentang pentingnya berusaha menjadi yang terbaik insya Allah. Semoga kalian  semua terhibur.

Sekian sahaja buat masa ini. Insya Allah akan menyusul semula tidak lama selepas ini. Moga Allah berkati kita semua sekeluarga. Wallahu a'lam wassalamualalaikum wbt.

P/S: Saya baru sahaja membuka ruangan (page) baru untuk blog ini iaitu Freebies (pautan di sudut belah kanan di atas). Melaluinya, saya bercadang untuk berkongsi hasil seni dan poster yang saya hasilkan dengan cara memberikan pautan untuk memuat turun di ruangan tersebut (Freebies). Insya Allah, akan ditambah dari masa ke masa.

Ini yang pertama. Selamat berkongsi!:

Muat turun di sini
Read more "Isu Bunuh Diri: Tolong Saya!"

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Sharing: Adapted from MSOC's blog

Assalamualaikum wbt


Alhamdulillah, we have just completed our first Senior Junior Night 2011 and the following are few things you can download which we have shared from a talk on Satans we had that night.

The first one below this poster are the slides used by the presenter and the one that follows is a book he referred to for his presentation.

May Allah bless us all and warmest regards from the committee to all of you brothers and sisters out there!

Wassalam ;-)
The Poster of Senior Junior Night 2011

Download here (ppsx)

Download here (pdf)
Read more "Sharing: Adapted from MSOC's blog"

Thursday, March 17, 2011



“The cure for love is marriage and the cure for marriage is love.”

The above in a way suggests that love can be a (social) disease, or lead to disease, whereby as every disease has its cure, marriage is the cure for love disease. Or in the sense that it can lead to disease, then marriage is the tool to avoid one from catching the disease.

Though the above beautiful phrase may not be of Islamic origin, it is in line with one of the well-known hadiths by Prophet SAW that says, “O young people! Whoever among you can marry, should marry, because it helps lower his gaze and guard his modesty, and whoever is not able to marry, should fast, as fasting diminishes his sexual power.” (Sahih Bukhari)

The latter part of the phrase suggests that in marriage, shortcomings may exist, but love is the cure to deal with them and love maintains the pure marriage institution. 

I began my article as such to kill two birds with one stone. As simple as it is, we already cover how through marriage, love is appropriately channeled, and how marriage will be safe and long-lasting with the presence of love.

Let me continue by quoting another fantastic verse of Al-Quran that eloquently describes the relationship between a man or a woman with their spouses.

In Surah Al-Baqarah, (2:187), Allah explains this relationship when He says, “…They are your garments and you are their garments...”

The eloquence of Allah’s words is so unparalleled that it creates wonders and reverence deep from the bottom of our heart. According to one Islamic scholar, the above verse perfectly pictures the following:

Clothing (garments) to one another

1. That the husband to his wife and the wife to her husband is like clothing to one another in the sense that they are the closest non-self entity to each other, meaning immediately above our skin is the clothes that we wear, and that is how we should be to our spouse, very close and even the closest. 

2. Secondly, as clothes warm us, a spouse should be one whom can warm his partner’s heart. He or she is one that provides happiness and calmness and also provides shoulder to cry on, in time of distress and in time of need.

3. Clothes that we wear beautify us and make us look better. So the same way, a husband and wife when together, they beautify each other, they carry the good names and pride of their loved ones and because of this, they are always better to be together, like two hearts that romantically become one.

I am touched when those points were brought up and sprung into my mind. Partly because it demonstrates how wonderful a life would be through marriage, and more importantly because I then again realize how incredibly accurate and genius Allah is when He describes something. Surely, there are many more lessons we can learn from this verse alone, and may through that, our faith in Him grows tremendously stronger insya Allah.

However, let me briefly point out here that while we look up upon marriage institution especially in close relation to the Eastern cultures we live with here in Malaysia, many of those coming from the Western world see quite the opposite.

Marriage to a certain extent is regarded as a burden and worse, a discouraged phenomenon in their culture. This can be attributed to their overly free social behavior that allows unlimited free mixing (or even sex) among unmarried people.

As one English-originated phrase clearly puts it; Marriage is a three-ring circus. First, engagement ring, then marriage ring, and after marriage, it is suffeRING! 

Not to forget, marriage is somehow also seen as a wrong decision someone made in his or her life as if men and women can never get well together through marriage, but through ‘free and retractable’ social contract instead! Another one sounds like this, “When a man marries a women, they become one. The trouble starts when they try to decide which one!”

Fortunately, Islam has aptly provided guidelines on the role of both husband and wife, which by right teach women to become a good wife and mother, and men to become a good husband and father. It is through these teachings and examples set by beloved Prophet SAW that we won’t have to face the problem of becoming which one. A woman is granted by Allah to have a soft caring and loving heart as a mother and a man is given some capability to become a leader and take responsibility in taking care of the women and his family.

Allah explicitly explains this in Surah An-Nisa’, (4:34), whereby He mentioned in the Quran that men should maintain women. 

Let me end this article by inviting all of us to reflect on this analogy. Marriage is like a ship, in which the husband is the captain and the wife is the chief commander of the ship. The world around them is the ocean of love. Sometimes this ocean is cool and calm, but sometimes it can become hostile and unfavorable as well. So both husband and wife should handle their ship absolutely well, attain a mutual understanding and tolerance, so that they can save the ship, which is their marriage despite the unpredictable conditions that the ocean (real life) may present.

Lastly, we have to bear in mind, that it is better to spend more time on efforts to become a good husband or wife, rather than only outwardly looking for the right spouse without inwardly correct ourselves first. As Mahatma Gandhi once uttered, you are the change you want to see in this world. And so please trust in Allah’s divine promise, that a good and pious man is for a good and pious woman, and it works the same way the other way around.

“Women impure are for men impure, and men impure for women impure and women of purity are for men of purity, and men of purity are for women of purity….” 

Surah An-Nur, (24:26)

Wallahua’lam wassalamualaikum

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P/S: You can also visit and there are many other free downloadable stuffs for you there. ;-)
Read more "Marriage"


Assalamualaikum wbt.

This article features in the As-Shifa' Magazine in Global Section

I was having a short break with some colleagues after a Dikir Barat practice for IMU’s beloved Registrar’s retirement when something caught my attention.

It was this free daily tabloid, The Sun (Monday, March 7, 2011) which featured some very short articles in a section called Health Briefs.

Here’s the exact excerpt from there:

RICH TASTE FOR SMOKING: Millions of women in developing countries risk disease and early death in the coming decades as their rising economic and political status leads them to smoke more, researchers said. An analysis in 74 countries found that men are 5 times more likely to smoke than women in countries with lower rates of female empowerment such as in China, Indonesia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Uganda.

Read the last sentence very carefully. Put it in another way, what it says is that in countries where women are strongly empowered like in politics and leadership, they smoke as much as men do, 5 times more likely than in other countries, to be exact.

This fact just struck my mind and it reminded me back of one article on Feminist Revolution I wrote on my blog at (about the harmful implications of women’s struggle for their so-called liberation). Clearly, it paved the road to further prove on the subject of women empowerment I elaborated in the writing, thus inspired me to write on this article entitled Superwomen.

Anyone who ardently studied history will start to realize how the perception and treatment towards women changed over the ages, from a total suppression and absolute disregard upon women, to the equality of women and men, and to the fight for liberation of women in the modern world, which is what and where we are now.

Surprisingly, with regard to status of women, it is only Islam alone that until today remains with its stance about women the way it was since it first appeared and introduced by beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW nearly 15 hundred years ago.

“We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption).”

Surah Al-Hijr, (15:9)

Consequently, in the past, Islam was greatly championed by especially women because through the teaching of Islam, women tasted their rights they could hardly find in any civilizations including that of Rome and Greek.

I’d like to mention one very famous book by John Gray about the uniqueness of men and women whose title reads, ‘Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus.’ I’ve not completed reading the book but honestly, after only reading the very early part of it, I fell in love with the way the narration is done.

However, that is beside the point. I would like to take your attention to the word Venus now. I am not speaking of conspiracy here but rather an opinion to reflect upon. Venus is actually a name of the morning star, which in Latin is translated as Lucifer. Lucifer, just in case you do not know, refers to the Satans!

So here’s my interpretation. You may disagree as you wish but what matters now is the elaboration I will make later on. By saying that women are from Venus, it is not merely a random choice so that it seems like a symbolic phrase representing difference in origin or characteristics of men and women, but to me, it is more than that, that is, women are likened to Satan or Lucifer!

Elaboration: In the past, there were a meeting held by some Christians and they were discussing on a topic, ‘Does women have a soul?’

Just like us, they all knew about the story of Adam and Eve, and how they both were deceived by Satan until they were sent down to live on earth. It was through this story that women were regarded as evil, devilish, satanic and possessed no soul, hence why they were not treated just like another living human being!

It was this belief that partly, if not totally, became a significant reference on how they perceived women in the past. And it was also because of this again, when Islam came, it totally got away with all this false beliefs and held women high up in both values and pride.

The circumstance is nevertheless not the same now. Our enemies will never give up. As they already lost the battle when Islam protected women instead of manipulating them, they now turn the table and accuse Islam of becoming too strict, demanding and illiberal towards women. They induce provocation amongst women that Islam condones gender bias and look up upon men more than women, and is therefore unjust to women.

These days, we can see how many women fell into this trap and struggle hard to prove Islam wrong and therefore compete with men. They lose their understanding and identity as women, but they never care, because all they aspire is to show to the whole world that women are better than men. I’d recommend you to read more on Feminist Revolution I have written and also make some extra reading if you wish to understand this better.

Let me just end this article by putting forward an important advice to especially women, that Allah never looks up upon mankind because they are men, or they are women. Instead, He looks up upon those whom are most pious amongst us. The Feminist Revolution is a real threat and is a plan by our enemies so that we tread on a misguided path. I shall close with one hadith for us to ponder that Prophet SAW once said (with regard to threat and deception upon women), 

“The last people to follow dajjal would be women.. (and a man would have to return home and tie down his wife, sister and daughter to protect them from being seduced by Dajjal).” 

Wallahua’lam wassalamualaikum.

Download the magazine here
P/S: You can also visit and there are many other free downloadable stuffs for you there. ;-)

Read more "Superwomen"

Tomorrow The World Ends (Besok Kiamat)

Assalamualaikum wbt

I am waiting to share 2 more exclusive posts I authored, one on marriage, the other on Superwomen, both will be uploaded to this blog, when our magazine (MSOC's As-Shifa') is ready. Both articles feature in this magazine. So please stay tuned, I will also share the magazine, in pdf format here soon ;-)

Meanwhile, here's a short reflection on the Japan's most powerful earthquake and the tsunami that it caused.


1. In one excerpt of an article from Yahoo! News (here), it says that, "The quake also shifted the earth's axis by 6.5 inches, shortened the day by 1.6 microseconds, and sank Japan downward by about 2 feet."

2. Read the bold red. The explanation given to explain this is that the quake causes our earth to spin faster. Perhaps it's also worthy to note that the same thing happened (shortened day) due to the 8.8 earthquake in Chile last year and the 2004's quake in Sumatra (and possibly many others).

3. In relation to this, I'd like to quote one hadith by Prophet Muhammad SAW, "The Last Day will not be established until... earthquake will increase in number, time will pass quickly." (Bukhari)

Compare the findings of the current affairs of our world to the prophecy made at the time when I believe the people didn't even know that our earth actually spins. And so what comes to your mind?

4. There's no need to create fear and tell the whole world that the End of Time is coming, and that is absolutely not what I intend to do.

5. Instead, there are at least 2 things to ponder. First, on how true the prophecy of the Messenger of Allah SAW. Second, so that we wake up from our sound sleep, stop thinking about the worldly indulgence alone for at least a moment, and think not merely of the coming of the Last Hour (whose date and day is unknown) but also the coming of our death; which is uncertain (we do not know when) yet is very certain too (it will surely come to everyone.

6. Watch the following video and shower our cheeks with some warm reflecting tears.

7. My prayers to Allah so that we always remind ourselves, that life is temporary. We don't look for mankind's blessings, but only seek Allah's love and blessings. 

8. To close my bedtime story for tonight, I present to you this very heart-penetrating verse from the Holy Quran when Allah says, "If Allah helps you, none can overcome you: if He forsakes you, who is there, after that, that can help you? In Allah then, let the believers put their trust."

Surah Ali-Imran, (3:160)

"Return to Allah, go back to Quran and Sunnah."

Wallahua'lam wassalamualaikum wbt.
Read more "Tomorrow The World Ends (Besok Kiamat)"


The Colours of Life

The Colours of Life
Picture taken on Syawal 1, 2009

THE BELOVED FAMILY-Hey, do the maths!

Dad: Mohd Hanaffi bin Hassin
Mom: Noorma bte Mamat


Mohd Ridzwan
Nurul Shuhada
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