Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Assalamualaikum wbt.

1. I remember watching a film about zombie. It's an old film I guess.

2. In one of the scenes, the hero (in the film) successfully contacted the army (military unit) of the nation about his whereabouts  (so that he could be saved) when he barely escaped from the huge group of zombies i.e the many innocent public who had turned into zombie due to zombie bites.

3. The hero was instructed by the chief army to immediately move to a known location.

4. However, it was not really an escape. The army was planning for a 'containment'; and the hero knew it (the conspiracy), hence directed himself to another location.

5. What does it mean? Why was the hero going somewhere else? It means, the hero will be a bait (umpan, in Malay language) so that the zombies will 'smell' the movement of him (the hero) and follow him to one place (the instructed location).

6. Why is the army doing that? It is to 'contain' the spread of the zombies. If it's difficult for you to imagine, let me help illustrate to you.

7. If you have pieces of biscuits scattered at many places, it's difficult to clean them.

8. So, what you do is you contain them in a container. Meaning, you put all the bits and pieces into a place, collect them in a tupperware or something. That way, you can easily throw the whole biscuit pieces into thrash bin, all at one time.

9. The same way, the zombies were scattered, and the military found it difficult to get rid of them.

10. So, the hero was used to be an attention-puller for the zombies to group at one place. And guess what was the plan?

11. Yes. A nuclear torpedo would be launched. The zombies will be eliminated at one shot, but at the expense of killing the hero. So was the hero killed? Well, you know, how often in a film will we find a hero not surviving?

12. I do not plan to talk about the film (I do not even remember what film is that haha) but the word (and concept) of 'containment' is to be highlighted here.

13. The real subject of discussion is about Pluralism.

14. To the first-timer, let me roughly describe to you what Pluralism means.

15. Well, the word 'plural' (as opposed to 'singular') means many. And Pluralism, in the context of religion, refers to the fact that many religions (and quite automatically all religions) hold the truth of this world and this life.

16. The transcendent unity of religions is one of the branches of this problematic ideology, but let me not focus on that phrase jargon, that would most probably scare many of us off.

17. Now, firstly, I just want to make it clear that Islam is against Pluralism.

18. We never accept that all religions are true. 

19. However, very importantly, we never deny two things. First, we don't deny that there are some similarities (mostly at superficial level) between Islam and other religions.

20. Secondly, we do not deny that there are good elements and teachings in the preaching of other religions, such as about promoting to do good to others.

21. Next, language wise, Islam does acknowledge plurality. So, what's the difference between Pluralism and plurality?

22. If today you may disagree with me on the definition given to each term (which are not the fruit of my thought but quoted from people like Prof Tariq Ramadhan, if I am not wrong), then let's just focus on the concept I am about to explain.

23. Plurality refers to the existence of many religions or even races. Roughly in Malaysia, it may aptly refer to the phrase masyarakat majmuk.

24. So, Islam accepts this. Islam has no problem with living harmoniously and peacefully with people of other religions, in a plural community; an abode of plurality.

25. But this tolerance and beauty of Islam is not compromised with the claim that all religions are the same i.e all religions are true i.e Religious Pluralism.

24. Now, let me make a point here. Great Muslim scholar such as Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi was never in favor of Pluralism, as some of us may tend to claim or falsely believe.

25. His works (primarily many of his great poems) were irresponsibly translated and misquoted to prove the truth of Pluralism, and we do not accept this. It is not true and Maulana Rumi did not accept Pluralism. In short, we reject Pluralism, but not Maulana Rumi, may Allah has Mercy upon him.

26. Right. Pluralism, before I end, is like a disguise of a new religion, and its proponents (ones that promote this idea) will never agree to that statement of mine.

27. In my humble opinion, the understanding that Pluralism is promoting unity and tolerance when it says that all religions are the same (and therefore carry the same truth) is quite problematic; not at all a correct description of what it is.

28. The way I see it, Pluralism actually is suggesting (in its theory and practice), that all religions are wrong, but giving up all religions, and cling to Pluralism, is the way to truth.

29. Because it does not make any sense to say that God is One (in Islam) and God is three (Trinity in Christianity) and God is so many (Hinduism) and this different number of God is the truth about God?

30. What I meant is that, Islam in its most basic and fundamental level, is already totally not in line with any other major religions as believed and practiced by their followers in this world.

31. So what is my point now?

32. Containment.

33. I believe, Pluralism as an ideology is seemed to be trying to corrode the values and virtues (hence correct knowledge) in religion like Islam so that people compromise the fundamentals of religion and give them up, for the sake of looking for similarities such as superficial thing like doing good to others.

34. After grouping all these religions as one (in the realm of Pluralism), perhaps next level is to propose that because we can never agree on the differences of number of God (because different religions propose different number), might as well we agree that there is no God after all.

35. Problem solved.

36. No god means no need to fight on the concept of God, who is God etc. etc. because there is no god in the first place.

37. I don't know if my (most probably) theory above will be regarded as far-fetched, absurd, or even imaginative, but that's the way I see it.

38. Islam, at all levels, is never shaken from its fundamentals and truth. Quran for instance, has no equal rivals since it was revealed.

39. The attempt to group Islam as the same like other religions, is an attempt to contain religions in one same category, and eventually? Kaboom! 

40. All religions are absurd (because they are man-made or corrupted by men).

41. Hence, the logic is simple. Islam is also a religion. Because all religions are absurd, hence Islam is also absurd. Conclusion? We reject all religions (and any belief in God). Welcome to the godless world baby!

May Allah preserve the deen of Islam in this world, and in our hearts. Allahu ta'ala aklam. Wassalamualaikum wbt.

P/S: We are hunters. The hunted is the night. The weapon is prayer. The bullet is the waking up. Let's chase the Laylatul Qadr insya Allah! =D
Read more "Containment"

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Seeking Knowledge

Assalamualaikum wbt.

Sharing some little minute things hopefully beneficial to adik-adik at SMKA KL ;-)
1. It is our nature that we forget. In fact, the word 'insan' in Malay which means a man or mankind, is derived from Arabic language which suggests forgetfulness. We are indeed always forgetful.

2. Hence, Islam is always about reminding oneself and others.

3. Seeking knowledge is one of the ways to be reminded.

4. It is the responsibility of a teacher, I believe, to make his/her speech or teaching most beneficial, and most interesting.

5. However, it is important to emphasize that the main asset of a teacher is the knowledge; not so much whether he/she is a good in his/her presentation.

6. We as students and seekers of knowledge, may always complain about not understanding the speech of our teachers, and the boredom we have from his/her monotonous voice etc. etc.

7. Out of adab though, students should never do that.

8. It is never required for a teacher I believe, to entertain the students in the way the students want.

9. The students should not look for an entertainer (if we define entertainment as mere jokes and humors; most probably meaningless), neither should they look for only new things from their teachers.

10. The reason why is that because there's definitely so much merit in hearing the same thing all over again. Repetition, in Islam, is a well-accepted way of learning. Why? Because we forget, and because sincerity will lead us to acquiring new knowledge even from the same exact point that is shared by our teacher.

11. In short, I don't think it is wrong (in fact it's a bonus) for a teacher to make his/her presentation as interesting and entertaining as possible.

12. But it's not compulsory upon them. It is not the right of the students.

13. If the students are sincere and really thirsty for knowledge, they will definitely have better attitude; hence appreciate the teachers more.

14. Please do not make it a habit to condemn people or teachers who have their own ways in their presentation, most importantly when they may cater to different types of crowd/audience.

15. I believe, everybody, be it the teachers or the students, has some unique roles to play, and to help complement each other.

16. If we keep complaining, and then condemning others, nothing much can be reaped. This world is not only about us. It houses so many other different types of people and seekers of knowledge.

17. May Allah make us a great teacher with great students, and a great student with great teachers. May Allah increase in us beneficial knowledge. And may Allah make us all humble for all things He bestows upon us ameen.

Allahuaklam. Wassalamualaikum wbt.
Read more "Seeking Knowledge"

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Agama (Islam) Untuk Siapa?

Assalamualaikum wbt.

1. Adakah agama hanya untuk orang agama?

2. Atau adakah agama untuk semua orang?

3. Jika untuk orang agama sahaja, siapakah yang menepati kriteria 'orang agama' atau 'agamawan'?

4. Firman Allah SWT, "Sesungguhnya Allah menyuruh kamu supaya menyerahkan amanah kepada ahlinya (yang berhak menerimanya)........"
(Surah An-Nisa', ayat 58)

5. Pada hemah saya, kedua-dua penyataan di atas benar belaka, bahawa agama itu untuk agamawan dan agama itu juga untuk semua orang, dengan syarat mestilah difahami dalam konteks yang betul, yang berbeza antara keduanya.

6. Dalam bahasa mudah, agama itu diuruskan oleh orang yang ahli (mahir) dan berpengetahuan di dalamnya. Dia yang menguasai ilmu itu dan dialah yang perlu menjadi rujukan dalam hal agama.

7. Namun, dalam konteks menguruskan diri berlandaskan agama, semua orang WAJIB melakukannya.

8. Maksudnya, tiada siapa yang boleh lari daripada ruang lingkup agama dalam kehidupan sehariannya; kerana Islam mencakupi semua aspek; dari sekecil-kecil atau seremeh-remeh perkara, kepada yang paling besar dan penting.

9. Maka itu sahaja bedanya. Ahli agama dan agamawan, mereka menguruskan agama, yakni menjadi sumber rujukan dan pemimpin dalam urusan agama.

10. Setiap satu daripada kita pula, yang berstatus orang awam, juga mesti beragama, tetapi bukan mengikut andaian dan nafsu kita, sebaliknya berdasarkan ajaran agama, sebagaimana yang difahami dan dijelaskan dengan betul oleh orang berilmu agama.

11. Jadi, janganlah saling bergaduh mana satu yang betul, padahal konteks perbincangan terlebih dulu yang perlu difahami.

12. Ibaratnya, semua orang boleh minum air, atau ambil manfaatnya. Namun, tak logik nak kata bahawa air boleh didapati di mana-mana.

13. Sudah jelas bahawa air itu adalah untuk semua orang, tapi bukan ia didapati daripada semua orang atau di mana-mana, contohnya daripada api. Seperti agama, ia ada sumbernya; ia ada tempat pengambilannya.

14. Dari segi dakwah dan menyampaikan agama pula, memang benar setiap individu Muslim masing-masing memikul amanah, namun sekali lagi, mesti adil pada diri sendiri.

15. Sedang para 'alim ulamak tahu dan faham benar ilmu agama, kita pula menyampaikan apa yang difahami oleh para 'alim ulama', dan bukannya suka-suka menafsirkan ajaran agama sesuka hati kita sehingga bertentangan dengan cara faham para 'alim ulama'.

16. Bahkan, dengan menjadi seorang individu Muslim yang baik pun, insya Allah cukup besar peranannya sebagai satu bentuk dakwah (tarikan) secara tak langsung kepada orang bukan Islam dan sesama Muslim.

17. Moga kita pandai menilai di mana tempat yang seadilnya buat kita dan moga Allah SWT sentiasa kekalkan taufiq dan hidayah yang dikurniakan-Nya. Ya Allah, kurniakanlah kami hikmah, dan ajarlah kami menjadi orang yang adil (dalam membuat penilaian). Ameen...

Wallahuaklam. Wassalamualaikum wbt.
Read more "Agama (Islam) Untuk Siapa?"

Selawat Upon Nabi SAW: The Correct Way

Assalamualaikum wbt.

1. Our beloved Prophet (may peace be upon him) once said, "The person who ask blessings upon me abundantly (selawat) will be closest to me during the Day of Judgment."

2. Insha Allah, may Allah make us among those who are near to him on that difficult Day of Judgment. Ameen.

3. Take care everybody! And by the way, below is an important note to take home ;-)

Credit: Akh Muhammad Za'im Mohamad Yusoff

Read more "Selawat Upon Nabi SAW: The Correct Way"

Friday, July 12, 2013

Jenaka Nabi SAW

Assalamualaikum wbt.

Ramadhan Kareem!

1. Hari ini saya mahu kongsikan satu kisah jenaka tentang Nabi SAW* tercinta.

2. Suatu ketika, Nabi SAW duduk makan bersama-sama para sahabat (moga Allah redha ke atas mereka semua).

3. Mereka makan buah kurma. 

4. Jadi, para sahabat nak 'kena' kan Rasulullah SAW. 'Nakal' jugak sahabat-sahabat ni kan?

5. Maka, buah kurma yang dimakan, biji nya kan tak ditelan betul tak?

6. Apa mereka buat?

7. Mereka letak biji-biji buah kurma (yang sudah mereka makan isinya) di tempat Rasulullah SAW.

8. Jadi, nampak macam Rasulullah makan banyak la kan? Sebab semua biji kurma kat tempat Rasulullah?

9. Apa respon Nabi Allah?

10. Baginda SAW berkata, "Korang makan lagi banyak daripada aku. Kurang-kurang, aku makan isi kurma je, korang makan dengan bijinya sekali!" Nabi berseloroh.

11. Hehe faham tak? (By the way, dialog tu bukan dari kalam (kata-kata) Nabi ya? Saya sesuaikan dengan lenggok bahasa orang Melayu moden- pastinya bahasa Nabi SAW sangat sopan)

12. Demikianlah mulianya Nabi SAW. Dan sweet. Baginda sweet tanpa menyebabkan Diabetes.

13. Mengingat baginda membuatkan hati dan jiwa menangis.

14. Ayuh sayang Rasulullah!

15. Wallahuaklam. Wassalamualaikum wbt.
*SAW ialah singkatan kepada sollallahu 'alaihi wasallam (selawat atas Nabi)
Read more "Jenaka Nabi SAW"

Ramadhan 1434 H (2013)

Assalamualaikum wbt.

1. Well, in this short time, just want to let you know that we in UiTM where I study is launching a humble little campaign to get to know and remember Prophet Muhammad SAW.

2. If you are interested to know and even to take part, please kindly visit a weblog we have just set up recently.

3. Thanks very much and take care. Here is the link to the blog aforementioned: Muhammad ;-)

Wallahuaklam. Wassalamualaikum wbt. 

Muat turun
Muat turun
Muat turun
Muat turun
Read more "Ramadhan 1434 H (2013)"

Monday, July 1, 2013


Assalamualaikum wbt.

1. Life is full of concerns.

2. Those that lead to worries; the concerns are not fulfilled.

3. Over time, I suffer from my own state of decline and decay.

4. The struggle is to create strong link with and awareness of Allah- which would never come easy, nor quick.

5. Some people are worried that they can't eat. That's the case in those days, maybe during pre-modern history.

6. Nowadays, worries have evolved; transformed; become multi-layered.

7. One may not only be worried about not having anything to eat, but also worry about not having money to buy something to eat, and after that, has to worry on (if money is there) how to keep the money safe.

8. Reliance is very much skewed towards more material and worldly means.

9. A question; where is our tawakkul (absolute reliance) to Allah; the Sustainer; the Provider; the Life-giver?

Wassalamualaikum wbt.
Read more "Worries"


The Colours of Life

The Colours of Life
Picture taken on Syawal 1, 2009

THE BELOVED FAMILY-Hey, do the maths!

Dad: Mohd Hanaffi bin Hassin
Mom: Noorma bte Mamat


Mohd Ridzwan
Nurul Shuhada
Mohd Amirul Asyraf (blog owner)
Fatihah Sakinah
Nurul Ain Afifah
Ilyana Nazlin
Nur Amira Mawaddah
Mohd Aizat Aiman
Nur Anis
Mohd Amri Afiq